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Répertoires musicaux en ABC
Well, you just decided to start to play Irish and related traditional music (Scotland, Quebec, Cape Breton Northumberland), to become a session regular, and consequently to build yourself a repertoire of several thousands of airs.Where to start? Who could give you an advice about buying an instrument? Which tunebooks should you buy? Should you learn from ear? From a score? Which airs? Which software could help you? You will find on this page a lot of starting points.
Listes de discussion :
Le principe d'une liste de diffusion (en anglais mailing list) (=forum de discussion) est simple : une conversation par e-mail en différé sur un sujet précis dans une ou plusieurs langues définies à l'avance, chaque message étant diffusé à tous les abonnés. Il en existe des milliers dans toutes les langues, sur tous les sujets, les listes francophones (et beaucoup d'autres) sont répertoriées ici : nombre d'abonnés à une liste (= inscrits, participants) est variable, d'une dizaine à plusieurs centaines ou milliers... , mais la logique de ce moyen de communication INTERACTIF, EN RÉSEAU, suppose que tous participent à la conversation, même modestement. Un des abonnés, le "modérateur" ou "mainteneur", souvent à l'origine de la liste, s'assure bénévolement de son bon fonctionnement, (abonnements, étiquette, etc...), mais n'en est pas propriétaire, la liste est un outil qui appartient aux abonnés. Voici comment s'abonner aux listes principales dans le domaine de la musique irlandaise et apparentée, on peut y demander des conseils, être informé des stages, rencontres, concerts, lieux et dates de sessions, échanger des liens et même des airs grâce à l'Abc
Le principe d'une liste de diffusion (en anglais mailing list) (=forum de discussion) est simple : une conversation par e-mail en différé sur un sujet précis dans une ou plusieurs langues définies à l'avance, chaque message étant diffusé à tous les abonnés. Il en existe des milliers dans toutes les langues, sur tous les sujets, les listes francophones (et beaucoup d'autres) sont répertoriées ici : nombre d'abonnés à une liste (= inscrits, participants) est variable, d'une dizaine à plusieurs centaines ou milliers... , mais la logique de ce moyen de communication INTERACTIF, EN RÉSEAU, suppose que tous participent à la conversation, même modestement. Un des abonnés, le "modérateur" ou "mainteneur", souvent à l'origine de la liste, s'assure bénévolement de son bon fonctionnement, (abonnements, étiquette, etc...), mais n'en est pas propriétaire, la liste est un outil qui appartient aux abonnés.
Voici comment s'abonner aux listes principales dans le domaine de la musique irlandaise et apparentée, on peut y demander des conseils, être informé des stages, rencontres, concerts, lieux et dates de sessions, échanger des liens et même des airs grâce à l'Abc
Mailing Lists :
The mailing list principle is simple: a conversation by e-mail on a precise subject in one or more languages defined in advance, each message being sent to all the subscribers. There are thousands in all languages, on every subject, the French-speaking lists (and much of others) are indexed here: ?he number of subscribers to a list is variable, from ten to several hundreds or thousands..., but the logic of this INTERACTIVE communication media, a NETWORK, supposes that everyone takes part to the conversation, even modestly. One of the subscribers, the "moderator", often creator of the list, takes care of the material side of things , (subscriptions, étiquette, etc...), but does not own it, the list being a tool belonging to the subscribers.? Here is how to subscribe to the principal lists in the field of the Irish and related traditional music, on these one can request advice, be informed from training courses, meetings, concerts, places and dates of sessions, exchange links and even airs thanks to ABC.
Irtrad-L (anglophone) : Envoyer la commande: sub irtrad-l <votre nom> à l'adresse IrlandeTradFR (francophone) :
Irtrad-L (anglophone) :
Envoyer la commande: sub irtrad-l <votre nom> à l'adresse
IrlandeTradFR (francophone) :
Scots-L (anglophone) : IrlandeTradFR (francophone) : Spéciale cornemuse écossaise (francophone) :
Spéciale cornemuse écossaise (francophone) :
IrlandeTradFR (francophone) : Mnemoforum (francophone) : Quebecois Trad Music Cafe (anglophone/francophone)
Mnemoforum (francophone) :
Quebecois Trad Music Cafe (anglophone/francophone)
CB-music (anglophone) : IrlandeTradFR (francophone) :
CB-music (anglophone) :
Irlande Ecosse Québec Cap Breton Northumberland
French-Irish Musette Centre France
Moteurs de recherche
Les mélodies figurant sur cette page sont seulement des exemples,
les liens renvoient en effet vers des recueils sur papier
ou numériques où elles peuvent figurer parmi d'autres.
ABC is a standard notation used by musicians to quickly exchange melodies in e-mails by using letters and punctuation marks, without having to send a "heavy" file. For more information please go to :
To listen to the tune on your computer you only need to download a software (BarFly for Mac, AbcNavigator or ABCmus for PC), install it and make it read the text file by copying and pasting it. You can then hear the tune, see it in standard notation, slow it down, transpose it, learn it from ear. Other programs allow as well to slow down Cds without altering the key, to convert the different musical standards, et even to create arrangements, see at bottom of page.
Les airs du répertoire de musique de danse traditionnelle irlandais sont faciles à trouver, il existe beaucoup de recueils, aussi bien numériques que sur papier. Certains classent même ces airs d'après la fréquence à laquelle ils sont joués, ce qui est bien utile pour savoir où commencer l'apprentissage! Finding trad Irish dance tunes on the Web is easy, paper tunebooks are easy to come by. Some of them (Mallinson) even sort the tunes by their playing frequence in sessions, which is very useful for a newcomer!
Les airs du répertoire de musique de danse traditionnelle irlandais sont faciles à trouver, il existe beaucoup de recueils, aussi bien numériques que sur papier. Certains classent même ces airs d'après la fréquence à laquelle ils sont joués, ce qui est bien utile pour savoir où commencer l'apprentissage!
Finding trad Irish dance tunes on the Web is easy, paper tunebooks are easy to come by. Some of them (Mallinson) even sort the tunes by their playing frequence in sessions, which is very useful for a newcomer!
M:6/8 2/4/94 ********************* INTRODUCTION *********************************** This file contains a number of well-known Irish jigs, reels, hornpipes, and polkas, written out in Chris Walshaw's abc notation. To print them out, first process the file with the program abc2mtex, which will convert it to a Music TeX file, and then run that file through Music TeX. See the abc2mtex documentation for an explanation of the notation. Both abc2mtex and Music TeX are available for anonymous ftp on the archive Like any folk music, these tunes change with time. There may be quite different versions of some of them floating around. I have tried to give settings which are close to what I hear played. A few tunes are transcribed from particular performances, one or two others are taken from books--both of these are indicated on the tune notes--but the majority are set about as I have heard them played. Quite a lot is left to the player. The settings are basic: the only decorations indicated explicitly are rolls, triplets and quadruplets; first and second endings are only written out when they are substantially different. Apart from the fact that most players don't need to be told when and where to put in a grace note, a lot of gracings are done differently on different instruments: carefully-written-out fiddle decorations can be a distraction to someone playing the tune on a flute. Since the decorations are only indicated generically, not in detail, the tunes should be playable on any of the usual instruments. (Well..I have only checked them out on the whistle and pipes.) If some of the details of the settings turn out to be awkward on a particular instrument, just adapt the tune to fit--most players automatically modify a tune slightly in order to make it fit the fingers, or to take advantage of some particular effect on their instrument. (There are a couple of obvious cases, where, for instance, the range is beyond the range of the pipes, whistle, and flute. It is up to the individual to modify the setting--i.e. to fake it--if they want to play it.) One thing bears noting: I have written the hornpipes out in straight eighth notes, but they are usually played with alternating dotted and cut notes: i.e. what I have written as "eighth, eighth, eighth, eighth" is often played more like "dotted eighth, sixteenth, dotted eighth, sixteenth." The amount of emphasis is a matter of style, so some books write out the dotted notes, others don't. I opted for the easiest path, and wrote them out in straight eighths. Thanks to Dan Beimborn and Seamus Keleher for suggesting many of these tunes. (Cryptic notations such as Z:Boston just indicate that the tune is commonly played in sessions there. But in fact, most of these tunes will be played in sessions all over.) I make apologies in advance for the typos which have surely escaped my proof-reading. Please let me know about any obvious errors, or any settings which seem too much at variance with what is played in your own area. When I knew the composer of a tune, I indicated it, but I only knew the composers of a couple of the tunes. If any others have known composers, I would appreciate hearing about it. As far as I know, the remainder of the tunes are public domain. The copyright below does not cover the tunes themselves, just the arrangements and the code in this file. Tune 35 is from Bulmer and Sharpley' book; tune 15 from Ceol Rince na hEireann, tune 49 from Leo Rowsome's tutor, tune 4 from O'Neill's. The remainder of this file is copyright by John B. Walsh, January, 1994. It may be freely used, copied and distributed, as long as this notice is included with the copy. It may not be sold, or used to make hard copies for sale, without express permission of the author. ************************* DOUBLE JIGS ********************************* X:1 T:Lark in the Morning, The Z:Vancouver, Boston M:6/8 R:jig K:G dB|:AFA AFA|BGB BdB|AFA AFA|fed BdB|AFA AFA|BGB BAB|def afe|fed BdB:| def a2a|baf afe|def g2e|fed BAB|def ~a3|baf a2f|~g3 faf|edB BAB:| .d2 f fef|fef fef|.d2 f fef|edB BAB|.d2 f fef|feffed|~g3 faf|edB BAF:| Add fdd|ede fdB|Add fdd|edB BAF|Add fdd|ede fed|~g3 faf|edB BAF:| X:2 T:Donnybrook Fair T:Joy of My Life, The Z:This is about as often found under one title as the other. M:6/8 R:jig K:G D|~G3 AGA|Bee dBA|BAB GAB|AGE GED|~G3 AGA|Bee dBA|BAB GAB|AGF G2:| f|gfe fed|ege dBA|Bee fed|Bee e2 f|~g3 fed|ege dBA|BAB GAB|AGF G2 f| |gfe fed|ege dBA|Bee fed|Bee e2 f|~g3 aga|bge dBA|BAB GAB|AGF G2|| X:3 T:Cliffs of Moher, The M:6/8 Z:Boston, Madison, Vancouver R:jig K:G eaa bag|(4efaf ged|c2 A BAG|EFG ABc|eaa bag|(4efaf ged|cAA BAG|EFG A3:| efe dBA|efe dBA|G2 d dBA|GAB dBd|efe dBA|efe dBA|GAB dBG|EFG A3| ~e3 dBA|~e3 dBA|~G3 dBA|GAB dBd|efe dee|cee Bee|EFG BAG|EDB, A,3|| X:4 T:Blarney Pilgrim, The M:6/8 R:jig K:G ~D3 DEG|A3 z2 c|BAG AGE|GEA GED|~D3 DEG|A3 z2 c |BAG AGE|GED D2z:| ded dBG|AGA BGE|ded dBG|ABA GBd|g2e dBG|AGA BGD|~B3 AGE|~G3 G2 z:| ADD BDD|A2D ABc|BAG AGE|GEA GED|ADD BDD|A2D ABc|BAG AGE|GED D2 z:| X:5 T:Scatter the Mud T:Maid of Tramore, The M:6/8 R:jig Z:Madison K:ADor eAABAA|eAA ABd|eAA BAB|dBG GBd|eAA BAA|eAA AGE|GABd2e|dBAA3:| abag2e|dBGGBd|abag2e|dBde3|abag2e|dBGAGE|GAB d2e|dBA A3:| X:6 T:Tripping Up the Stairs Z:Madison M:6/8 R:jig K:D A|FAA GBB|Add fed|cBc ABc|dfe d2A|FAA GBB|Add fed|cBc ABc|dfe d2:| c|dBB fBB|fgf fed|cAA eAA|efe edc|dBB fBB|fgf fed|cBc ABc|dfe d2:| X:7 T:Kesh Jig, The T:Kerrigan's Jig M:6/8 Z:Boston It is _very_ widely played. R:jig K:G D|~G3 GAB|ABA ABd|edd gdd|edB dBA|~G3 GAB|ABA ABd|edd gdB|AGF G2:| A|~B3 dBd|ege dBG|~B3 dBG|ABA AGA|BAB dBd|ege dBd|gfg aga|bgf g2:| X:8 T:Saddle the Pony T:Priests Leap, The M:6/8 Z:Boston R:jig K:G D|GBA G2 B|def gdB|GBA G2B|AFD AFD|GBA G2 B|def gfg|edB dBA|BGG G2:| d|efe edB|def gfg|efe edB|dBA ABd|efe edB|def gfg|edB dBA|BGG G2:| X:9 T:Whelan's Fancy M:6/8 Z:Boston Z:A rolling version of Morrison's R:jig K:EDor ~E3 BAF|FEB AFD|~E3 ~B3|dcB AFD|~E3 BAF|FEB AFA|BdB BAB|dAG FED:| ~B3 ~e3|fed efe|~B3 g2 e|fed BAF|~B3 e2 g|fed e2 f|gbg faf|edB AFD:| X:10 T:Morrison's M:6/8 R:jig K:EDor |~E3 BEB|EBE AFD|~E3 BEB|dcB AFD|~E3 BEB|EBE AFD|~G3 FGA|BAG FED:| Bee fee|aee fed|Bee fee|fag fed|Bee fee|aee fed|gfe d2A|BAG FED| Bee fee|aee fed|Bee fee|faf def|~g3 gfe|def g2 d|edc d2 A|BAG FED|| X:11 T:Connaughtman's Rambles, The M:6/8 Z:Seattle Z:From O'Neill's R:jig K:D AG|FAA dAA|BAB dAG|FAA dfe|dBB BAG|FAA dAA|BAB def|gfe dfe|dBB B2:| e|fbb faa|fef d2e|fbb faa|fed ede|fbb afe|dBc def|gfe dfe|dBB B2:| X:12 T:Clare Jig, The T:Mug of Brown Ale, The M:6/8 Z:Seattle R:jig K:ADor gf|eAA fAA|gfg age|dBA ~G3|BGB dBd|eAA fAA|gfg age|dBd gdB|ABA A2:| efg ~a3|aba age|dBd ~g3|bag fed|efg ~a3|aba age|dBd gdB|ABA A2 z| efg ~a3|aba age|dBd ~g3|gba ged|efg a2b|c'2b age|dBg dBG|EAA A2|| X:13 T:Garrett Barry's M:6/8 Z:Seattle. Fine piping jig. R:jig K:DMix DEF ~G3|AGE c2A|dcA d2e|fed cAG|EFF GFG|AGA cde|dcA GEA|~D3 D2:| A|dcA d2e|fed ege|dcA c2d|ege dcA|dcA d2e|~f3 ~e3|dcA GEA|~D3 D2:| X:14 T: Gold Ring, The M:6/8 Z:Boston. This is one of the "big" jigs for the uilleann pipes. Z:(Not so bad on a fiddle either, it's just that it goes so well Z:on the pipes with all those D crans.) If it's a standard in a session, there Z:are probably pipers around. Seamus Ennis used to tell the story of Z:its origin: it was originally learned from the fairies. R:jig K:G d|BAG A2d|cAG ~G3|BAG A2d|cDE ~F3|BAG A2d|cAG ~G3|gbg afd|cAF G2:| A|~B3 Bdc|~A3 dcA|~G3 GFG|AdB BAG|~B3 Bdc|~A3 A2G|FDE F2d|cAF G2:| g|fdd edd|fdd edd|fdd edd|cAF G2g|fdd edd|fdd edd|(4.f.gag fed|cAF G2:| d|~g3 f2d|cAG GBd|~g3 f2 d|cDE ~F3|~g3 fad|~g3 fad|gbg afd|cAF G2:| E|DBB DBB|DAA DAA|~G3 GBd|cAG FGA|DBB DBB|DAA DAA|~G3 GBd|cAF G2:| A|~B3 ~D3|~A3 ~D3 |~G3 GBd|cAG FGA|~B3 ~D3|~A3 ~D3|~G3 GBd|cAF G2:| A|B2G A2G|d2 G G2A|B2G A2G|cAG FGA|BAG AGF|GFE FGA|(4.f.gag fed|cAF G2:| X:15 T:Fainne Oir Ort T:Gold Ring, The M:6/8 Z:There are two unrelated tunes called the Gold Ring, so we gave the Irish Z:name here. Really for a fiddle, but it can be faked quite well on other Z:instruments. (Not really that widely known--introduce it to _your_ Z:session.) From Ceol Rince na hEireann. R:jig K:D DB,|DA,A, DFA|dfd edA|BdB AFD|EDE FDB,|A,G,A, DFA|dfd edA|BdB AFE|FDD D2:| B|AFA dfa|bgb afd|gag faf|ede fdB|AFA dfa|bgb afd|BdB AFA|Bdd d2:| e|dFF AFE|DFE DFA|dfd ede|fdB BAB|dFF AFE|DFE DFA|dfd ede|fdd d2:| B|AFA dfd|BAB dAF|DEF EDE|FDB, B,BA|AFA dfd|BAB dAF|DEF EDE|FDD D2:| X:16 T:Top of the Cork Road, The T:Father O'Flynn Z:Another very widely known tune. M:6/8 R:jig K:D A|dAF DFA|ded cBA|dcd efg|fdf ecA|dAF DFA|ded cBA|dcd efg|fdc d2:| g|fdf fga|ecA ABc|dcd Bed|cAA A2c|BGB Bcd|AFD DFA|dcd efg|fdc d2:| X:17 T:Sixpenny Money M:6/8 R:jig K:G fAA fAA|BAG FGE| ~D3 AFA|dfd e2d|fAA fAA|BAG FGE| ~D3 AFA|dfd e2d:| ~f3 gfg|afd edd|fef gfg|afd e2d|~f3 ~g3|afd edB|ABA AFA|dfd e2d:| *********************** SINGLE JIGS and SLIDES *************************** X:18 T:Old Hag in the Kiln, The T:Dinny Delaney's M:12/8 Z: Note the second part is also played as the fourth part. E:10 R:single jig K:DMix A2D ~D3 A2G EFG|A2D ~D3 G2A GED|A2D ~D3 c2de2d|dcA AGE G2A GED:| dcA AGE c3 ABc|dcA AGE G2A GED|dcA AGE c2de2d|dcA AGE G2A GED:| A2 D~D3 A2B G2B|A2B G2A E2G EDD|A2D~D3 c2d e2d|dcA AGE G2A GED:| dcA AGE c3 ABc|dcA AGE G2A GED|dcA AGE c2d e2d|dcA AGE G2A GED:| X:19 T:Dingle Regatta, The M:12/8 E:12 Z:Boston R:slide K:G d^cd e2 d BAB d2 B|~A3 AGA B2A G2 z|d^cd e2 d BAB d2B|~A3 B2A G3 z2 z:| d2d def ~g3 gfg|~a3 aga b2a gfe|d^cd def ~g3 g2 b|a2g f2e def g3:| .g2 z .d2z BdB G3|~A3 DEF G2 B d2 z|.g2 z .d2z BdB G3|~A3 DEF G2 B G2 z:| \vskip .5in Seamus Ennis doesn't play the third part, and plays the second part as follows. Bdd def g3 faf|g2e dBd e2 A AGA|Bdd def g3 faf|efe def g3 z2:| X:20 T:Kathleen Hehir's Slide Z:from the playing of de Danann M:12/8 E:11 R:slide K:D A|dcd e2d c2E EFG|~B3 BAG F2D DFA|dcd e2d c2E EFG|ABA GFE D3 z2:| E|F2A ded c2B G3|ABA G2E B2A F3|DFA ded c2B G3|EFG ABc d3 z2:| A|ded d2e f2d A3|fgf fed c2d ecA|ded d2e f2d A2F|EFG ABc d3 z2:| f|a2f f2d Adf agf|g2e e2c Bcd efg|a2f f2d Adf agf|gec ABc d3 z2:| X:21 T:Denis Murphy's Slide M:12/8 Z:Boston Z: From the playing of Padraig O'Keefe R:slide E:12 K:D dB|A2 D FED F2 AA2 f|gfe fed e2d B2d|A2D FED F2 AA2 f|a2f e2f d3 d2:| A|d2e f2a a2f fef|g3 faf e2d BAB|d2e f2f gfe f2f|a2f e2f d3 d2A| d2e f2f gfe f2f|gfe fed e2d BAB|d2e f2f gfe f2f|a2f e2f d3 d2|| X:22 T:Merrily Kiss the Quaker's Wife T:Merrily Dance the Quaker Z:Boston R:slide K:G D|GAB D2B|c2A BGE|GAB DEG|~A3 A2D|GAB D2B|c2A BGE|GAB D2 E|G3 G2:| c|BGGAGG|BGG AGE|GAB DEG|A3 AGA|BGG AGG|BGG AGE|GAB D2E|G3 G2:| d|~g3 aga|bge dBd|~g3 gab|~a3 aba|gbg faf|ege dBA|GAB D2 E|G3 G2:| *************************** SLIP JIGS ****************************** X:23 T:Foxhunter's Jig, The Z:Madison R:slip jig M:9/8 E:13 K:D FDF F2DG2 E|FDF F2DE2 D|FDF F2D G2B|AFD DEF E2D:| ~B3 BAG FGA|B2EE2FG2B|ABcdcB ABc|d2DD2FE2D:| fgf f2dg2e|fgf f2de2d|fgf f2d g2b|afd def e2 d:| gfe dcB AGF|B2E E2F G2B|ABc dcB ABc|d2D DEF E2 D:| X:24 T:Butterfly, The M:9/8 C:John Potts E:15 Z:Boston R:slip jig K:EDor B2EG2EF3|B2EG2E FED|B2EG2EF3|B2dd2B AFD:| B2=ce2fg3|B2d g2e dBA|B2=ce2fg2a|b2ag2e dBA:| B2BB2AG2A|B3 BAB dBA|~B3 B2AG2A|B2dg2e dBA:| X:25 T:Kid on the Mountain, The M:9/8 Z:O'Neill's has a sixth part that I've never heard played. R:slip jig E:13 K:G ~E3 FEF ~G3| ~E3 c2 A BGE|EDE FEF G2 A|BAG FAG FED:| BGB AFA G2D|GAB dge dBA|BGB AFA G2 A|BAG FAG FED:| egg eBB e2 f|~g3 efg afd|egg eBB ega|bag fag fed:| eBB e2 f ~g3| eBB efg afd|eBB e2f g2 a|bag fag fed:| edB dBA G2 D|GAB dge dBd|edB dBA G2 A|BAG FAG FED:| ********************************** REELS ***************************** X:26 T:Maid Behind the Bar, The T:Green Mountain, The M:C| R:reel Z:Vancouver, Boston Z:In O'Neill's as the Green Mountain, with a bit different setting. E:7 K:D AG|FAAB AFED|FAAB A2 de|fBBA Bcde|f2 gf edBA|FAAB AFED|FAAB A2 de|fBBA BcdB|AFEF D3:| e|fgag fdde|fdad fd d2|efga beef|gebe ge ~e2|faaf bfaf|defd e2 de|fBBA BcdB|AFEF D3:| X:27 T:Miss McLeod's T:Mrs. MacLeod of Raasay M:C| R:reel Z:Probably _the_ best-known reel. Also an American fiddle Z:tune (Hop High Ladies) Z:According to O'Neill, it was the _only_ reel known in certain parts of Z:Ireland around the turn of the century. E:7 K:G BA|:G2 BG dGBG|B2 BA BcBA|G2 BG dGBG|A2 AG AcBA|G2 BG dGBG|B2 BA ~B3 d|efed Bdef|gedB AcBA:| |G2 gf edeg|B2 BA BcBA|G2 gf edeg|A2 AG AcBA|G2 gf edeg|B2 BA ~B3 d|efedBdef|gedB AcBA:| X:28 T:Merry Blacksmith, The M:C| R:reel Z:Vancouver E:7 K:D AB|d2 dA BAFA|ABdA BAFA|ABde fded|Beed egfe|d2 dA BAFA|~A2 FA BAFA|ABde fedB|AFEF D2:| fg|a2 ag ~f3 e|dedA BAFA|ABde f2ed|Beed efge|abag fgfe|d3 A BAFA|ABde fedB|AFEF D2:| X:29 T:Star of Munster, The M:C| R:reel E:6 K:ADor ed|c2 Ac BAGB|AGEF GEDG|EAAG ABcd| eaaf gedB|c2 Ac BAGB|AGEF GEDG|EAAG ABcd|ecdB A2:| Bd|:eaab ageg|agbg agef|~g3a gfef|(3gfe af gfed|eaab ageg|agbg agef|~g3e ~a3 g|~b3 a gfed:| X:30 T:Drowsy Maggie M:C| E:7 R:reel K:EDor ~E2 BE dEBE|~E2BE AFDF|~E2 BE dEBE|BABc dAFD|~E2 BE dEBE|~E2BE AFDF|~E2 BE dEBE|BABc dAFA|| d2 fd c2 ec|defg afge|d2 fd c2 ec|BABc dAFA|d2 fd c2 ec|defg afge|afge fdec|BABc dAFD|| X:31 T:Saint Anne's Reel M:C| Z:Originally French Canadian, now firmly adopted in Ireland. Madison. E:7 R:reel K:D de|fedf edcB|A2 FA DAFA|B2GB EBGB|A2 FA DAFA|fedf edcB|A2 FA DAFA|BGBd cAce|d2 dc d2:| ag|fdfa fdfa|aggf~g3f|edcB Acea|baa^g a3=g|fdfa fdfa|aggf~g3f|edcBAcec|dedc d2:| X:32 T:Silver Spear, The M:C| E:7 Z:Boston R:reel K:D FA ~A2 BAFA|dfed Bcd2|FA ~A2 BAFA|dfed B2 A2|FA ~A2 BAFA|dfed Bcdf|~g3 e~f3 e|dfed B2 A2:| faaf bfaf|gfed Bcde|faaf bfaf|gfed B2 A2|faaf bfaf|gfed Bcde|~g3 e~f3 e|dfed B2 A2:| X:33 T:Cooley's M:C| E:7 Z:Boston R:reel K:EDor D|EBBA B2 EB|B2 AB dBAG|(3FED AD BDAG|(3FED FA dAFD|EBBAB2 EB|B2 AB defg|afec dBAF|DEFD E3:| gf|eB ~B2 efgf|eB ~B2 gedB|A2 FA DAFA|~A2 FA defg|eB~B2 efgf|eB ~B2 defg|afec dBAF|DEFD E2:| X:34 T:Pigeon on the Gate, The M:C| E:6.5 Z:Boston R:reel K:EDor dc|BE ~E2 BEdE|BE ~E2 dBAF|D2 (3FED ADFE|DEFA BAFA|BE ~E2 BEdE|BE ~E2 B2 AF|D2 FA dfec|dBAF E2:| FA|Beed efed|(3Bcd ef gedB|Addc d3 B|A2 FE DEFA|Beed efed|(3Bcd ef g2 fg|af (3gfe fd ec|dBAF E2:| X:35 T:Swinging on the Gate M:C| R:reel E:7 Z:From Bulmer and Sharpley. Definitely a tune for the fiddles. Z:Boston R:reel K:D FA|d2AF D2 EF|G2FG FDB,D|A,DFA d2 cA|(3Bcd ed cABc|dBAF~D2 EF|GEFD EDB,D|GE (3FED EDB,G,|A,B,DE D2:| FA|~d2 de faef|dcBA F2 ED|B,E ~E2 GFED|B,DEF GABc|dcde (3fga ef|dcBA F2 EF|(3GFE FD EDB,G,|A,B,DE D2:| X:36 T:Galway Rambler, The T:Walsh's Favorite T:Wellington's M:C| E:7 Z:Boston. From the playing of Paddy Canny and P.J. Hayes. R:reel K:G G2 dG eGdG|G2dB AGEF|GFGA BABd|gedB AGEF|G2 dG eGdG|G2dB AGEF|GFGA BABd|gedB AGEF|| g2 bg agab|gabg agef|g2 bg agab|gedB AGED|gabg gabg|gabg a2 ga|(3bag af gbaf|gedB AGED|| X:37 T:Sally Gardens, The M:C| E:7 Z:Boston R:reel K:G DE|~G2 DG BAGB|dBeB dBAB|d2 (3Bcd eBdB|AcBA GEDE|~G2 DG BAGB|dBeB dBAB|d2 (3Bcd efge|dBAB G2:| Bc|dggf g2 dg| ~g2 bg aged|ea ~a2 a2 ea|~a2 bg ageg|dggf g2 dg| ~g2 bg ageg|d2 (3Bcd efge|dBAB G2:| X:38 T:Ships Are Sailing M:C| E:6.6 Z:Boston R:reel K:G Beed B^cdB|AD (3FED AD (3FED|~E3 F GFGA|Beef gfed|Beed B^cdB|AD (3FED AD (3FED|~E3 F GFGA|Beed e2|| ef|gfga bgeg|fefg afdf|~g3a bgeg|~f3g e2 ef|gfga bgeg|fefg afdf|~g2 bg ~f2 af|edef g2|| X:39 T:Sheehan's T:Wellington's Z:Boston M:C| E:7 R:reel K:G G2 BG DGBG|ABcA BG ~G2|~A3 B cABG|EAAG FADF|G2 BG DGBG|cBAB cdef|gedB c2 Bc|dBcA BG ~G2:| g2 bg dgbg|gbag fade|f2 af dfaf|gbag fddf|g2 bg dgbg|gbag fdef|(3gfe dB c2 Bc|dBcA BG ~G2:| X:40 T:Shaskeen, The Z:Boston Z:There are several different versions of the second part Z:floating around. M:C| E:7 R:reel K:G DG ~G2 ABcA|d2ed cA ~A2|~B3 G~A3 F|GBAG FGEF|DG ~G2 ABcA|d2ed cA ~A2|f2df edcA|AGFA G3 z:| dggfg2 fg|abag fdde|f3d g2 fg|abag fd d2|dggfg2 fg|abag fdde|~f3 d ~e3d|cAFA G3 z |dggfg2 fg|abag fdde|f3d g2 fg|abag fddc|~B3 G ~A3F|GBAG FD D2|f2 df edcA|AGFA G3 z|| X:41 T:Wise Maid, The T:Doherty's M:C| C:Johnny Doherty E:6.5 R:reel K:D ~F3 G FEDE|FAAB AFED|d2 (3efg fdec|dBAF BE ~E2|~F3 G FEDE|FAAB AFED|d2 (3efg fdec|dBAG FD ~D2:| d z AG FDFA|dfafgfeg|fAdf eAce|dfed cA~A2|BDGB ADFA|dfaf gfed|(3Bcd ce dBAG|FAEA D3 z:| X:42 T:Bank of Ireland, The M:C| Z:Boston Z:You can slide into those leading C's E:6.5 R:reel K:DMix AB|c2 AB cBAG|EGDG EGAB|c2 AB cBAG|Adde fded|c2 AB cBAG|EGDG EGAB|c3 d cBAG|Add^c d2:| K:D e|f2df e3 c|dfed cA ~A2|f2df gfed|eaag ed d2|fg (3agf ef (3gfe|dfed cA~A2|Addc defg|af (3gfe d3:| X:43 T:Sligo Maid, The M:C| Z:Boston E:7 R:reel K:AMix A2 BA (3Bcd ef|gedB AGEF|~G2 BG dGBG|DEGA BAdB|A2 BA (3Bcd ef|gedB AGEG|B3G A2GE|DEGA BA ~A2:| eaag a2ga|bgab gfed|eggf ~g3e|dega bgag|eaag a2ga|bgab gfed|eg~g2 edBc|dBgB BA ~A2:| X:44 T:Christmas Eve T:Tommy Coen's M:C| E:7 C:Tommy Coen Z:Boston R:reel K:G GE|D3 E G3 A|B2 dB ABGB|ABGE ~D3 E|G2 BG ABGE|D3 E ~G3 A|B2 dB ABGA|BA ~A2 GEBG| ABGE G3:| A|BA (3Bcd edeg|agge g2 eg|a2 ge gage|dedB ABGA|BA (3Bcd edeg|agge g2 eg|a2 ge d2 BG| ABGE G2:| dc|BG ~G2 dGBd|eg ~g2 egdc|BG ~G2 dGBG|EA ~A2 EA ~A2|BG ~G2 dGBd|eggf ~g3 a|bgag edBG|ABGE G2:| X:45 T:Temperance Reel, The T:Teetotaller's Reel, The M:C| E:7 R:reel K:G D|G2GF GABc|d2ge dBAc|BEED EFGA|BGAF GFED|~G3F GABc|dBge dBAc|BEED EFGA|BGAF G3:| A|Beed e3g|fgaf gfed|Bdd^c d3 e|fgafgfed|Beed ~e3 g|fgaf gfed|BEED EFGA|BGAF G3:| X:46 T:Junior Crehan's Favorite T:Knotted Cord, The M:C| Z:From Liam O'Flynn E:7 R:reel K:ADor ~A3B AE ~E2|A2 (3Bcd edBA|~G3 A GEDE|~G2 BG dGBG|~A3 B AE ~E2|A2 (3Bcd edBA|~G2 Bd efge|dBGA BA ~A2:| ea~a2 eaag|eaag aged|eg~g2 eggf|~g3 a geed|ea ~a2 eaag|eaag aged|~B3 d gaba|gedB BA A2:| X:47 T:Earl's Chair, The M:C| E:7 R:reel K:D A|B2 dB BAFA|B2 dB BAFB|AF ~F2 DF ~F2|AFdB ADFA|B3d BAFA|~B2 dB BAFB|AFAB dcdf|edef d3:| f|:~e3 f d2 (3Bcd |edef dBAB|~e3f d3e|fedB ADFA|~e3 f dB~B2|gB ~B2 defg|afbf afeg|fedB ADFA:| X:48 T:Fermoy Lasses, The M:C| E:7 R:reel K:G BA|:GE ~E2 BE ~E2|GE ~E2 BcBA|GE ~E2 BE ~E2|AFDF AcBA|GE ~E2 BE ~E2|GE ~E2 BcBA|~G3 F GBdB|AFDF AcBA:| G2 (3BAG dGBA|G2 Bd efg2|~G3B dGBG|AFDF AcBA|G2 (3BAG dGBA|G2 Bd efg2|afge dedB|AFDF AcBA:| **************************** HORNPIPES ******************************** X:49 T:Rights of Man, The Z:Leo Rowsome's setting, from his uilleann pipe tutor. M:4/4 E:6.5 R:hornpipe K:G GA|BcAB GAFG|EFGA B2ef|gfed Bgfg|(3ege dB A2GA|BcABGAFG|EFGA B2ef|gfed BA (3Bcd|e2 E2 E2:| ga|babg efga|babg egfe| dAFA d^cdf|afdf a2 gf|edef gfga |(3bag af g2ef|gfed BA (3Bcd|e2 E2 E2:| \noindent The first measure is often played in triplets: ||(3BcB (3ABA (3GAG (3FGF|EFGA B2 || X:50 T:Boys of Bluehill, The M:4/4 E:7 Z:Often followed by Harvest Home as a medley R:hornpipe K:D FA|BAFA D2FA|BA (3Bcd e2de|faaf egfe|dfed B2dA|BAFA DAFA|BA (3Bcd e2de| faaf egfe|d2 d2 d2:| fg|afdf a2gf|efga b2ag|faafegfe|dfed B2dA|BAFA D2FA|BA (3Bcd e2de| faaf egfe|d2 d2 d2:| X:51 T:Harvest Home M:4/4 E:6.5 Z:Madison R:hornpipe K:D AF|DAFA DAFA|defe dcBA|eAfA gAfA|(3efe (3dcB (3ABA (3GFE|DAFA DAFA|defedcBA|eAfAgecA|d2 f2 d2:| cd|eA ~A2 fA ~A2|gAfA eA ~A2|eAfA gAfA|(3efe (3dcB (3ABA (3GFE|DAFA DAFA|defe dcBA|eAfA gecA|d2 f2 d2:| X:52 T:Off to California M:4/4 R:hornpipe Z:Boston sessions E:6.5 K:G (3DEF|GFGBAGED|GBdg e2 (3def|gfgd edBG|ABAG E2 (3DEF|GFGB AGED|GBdg e2 (3def|gfgd edBG|(3ABA GF G2:| d|gfeg fedf|edef edB2 |(3def gd edBG|ABAG E2 (3DEF|GFGB AGED|GBdg e2 (3def|gfgd edBG|(3ABA GF G3:| X:53 T:Kitty's Wedding M:4/4 R:hornpipe Z:Boston sessions R:hornpipe E:6.5 K:D fe|d2 Bd A2 FA|BAFE DFED|B,DA,D DFBF|AFDF E2 fe|d2 Bd A2 FA|BAFA D2 ED|B,DA,D DFBF|AFEF D2:| fg|afed bafd|Adfd edBA|DFAd FAde|fdgf e2 fg|afed bafd|Adfd edBA|DFAd FAdf|eABc d2:| X:54 T:Home Ruler, The M:4/4 R:hornpipe Z:Boston sessions E:6.5 K:D FE|D2 FA D2 FA|dfed BcdB|A3 B AFDE|FDED B,DA,B,|D2 FA D2 FA|dfed BcdB|A3 B AFDE|F2D2D2:| AB|d3c defg|afbf afed|efed BA (3Bcd|fded BdAB|d3c defg|afbf afed|efed BA (3dcB|AFEF D2:| X:55 T:Plains of Boyle, The M:4/4 R:hornpipe E:7 K:D FG|AFDE FED2|(3ABA GB AFD2|fedf edce|dcAB =cABG|AFDE FED2|(3ABA GB AFD2|fedc (3ABc AG|F2D2D2:| fg|afdf g2 fe|dfed BAF2|(3ABA FA BAF2|(3ABA FA BAfg|afdf g2 fe|dfed BAF2|(3ABA AF GEAG|F2D2D2:| *********************************** POLKAS ***************************** X:56 T:Ballydesmond Polka \#1, The M:2/4 Z:All three of the Ballydesmond polkas are from playing of Denis Murphy and Z:Julia Clifford. They are usually played as a set. Z:Boston R:polka E:13 K:G A3B A2G2|E2F2 G2E2|A3B A2G2|A2d2 dedc|A3B A2G2|E2F2 G4|A2B2 c2E2|E2D2 D4:| A2d2 d4|e2d2 c4|e2d2 c2d2|e2a2 abag|e2d2 c4|e2d2 c4|A3B c2d2|e2f2g3f|e2d2 c2d2|e2A2 c2d2|e3d c2d2|e2a2 abag|efg2 d3B|c2e2 d3B|A2B2 c2E2|E2D2 D4|| X:57 T:Ballydesmond Polka \#2, The T:Maurice Manley's Z:Boston M:2/4 R:polka E:13 K:G E2A2 A2B2|c2d2 e2g2|G3F G2A2|G2E2 E2D2|E2A2 A2B2|c2d2 e3f|g2e2 dedB|A4 A4:| a3g a2b2|a2g2 e2f2|g3f g2a2|g2e2 d2e2|a3g a2b2|a2g2 e3f|g2e2 dedB| A4 A4:| X:58 T:Ballydesmond Polka \#3, The T:Tom Billy's M:2/4 Z:Boston R:polka E:12 K:G AB|c4 B4|A2BA G3A|B2d2e2d2|g6 z d|e2a2 gage|d2B2 G2AB|c2e2 d2B2|A6:| e2a2 a2ag|d2g2 g4|e2a2 a2b2|g6 z d|e2a2 gage|d2B2 G2AB|c2e2 d2B2|A4 A4:| X:59 T:Spanish Lady Z:Boston M:2/4 R:polka E:10 K:D AG|:F2A2 A2Bc|d3c d2ef|g2e2 f2d2|B2A2 ABAG|F2A2 A2Bc|d3c d2ef|g2e2 f2d2|B2A2 A4:| f2a2 abaf|e2d2 d2e2|f2a2 a3f|e2d2 e4|f2a2 abaf|e2d2 d2ef|g2e2 f2d2|B2A2 A4:| X:60 T:Charlie Harris' Polka M:2/4 Z:From the playing of Kevin Burke. This is a polka version of Z:Charlie Harris' Reel. Madison R:polka K:D d3B|A2F2 D2F2|E2F2 D2F2|A2F2 A2B2|e4 d3B|A2F2 D2F2|E2F2 D2F2|A2F2 A2B2|d4:| A2|d4 f2d2|e2f2 d2B2|A2F2 A2B2|e4 d2A2|[1d4 f2d2|e2f2 d2B2|A2F2 A2B2|d6 :|[2d2f2 fefg|a2f2 f3f|a2f2 e2f2|d6|| X:61 T:Maggie in the Woods M:2/4 Z:There are some slightly rowdy lyrics on one of the Z:early Chieftains albums. Madison, Vancouver E:10 R:polka K:G BA|G2D2 G2A2|B2e2 efge|d2B2 BAGA|B2A2 AcBA| G2D2 G2A2|B2e2 efge|d2B2 A2BA|G4 G2:| d2|g3f e2d2|e2f2 g3e| d2B2 BAGA|B2A2 A3d|g3f e2d2|e2f2 g3e|d2B2 A2B2|G4 G2:| X:62 T:Denis Murphy's Polka M:2/4 E:10 R:polka K:D fgfe d3B|A2D2 F2A2|G2E2 e3d|c2B2 B2A2|fgfe d3B|A2D2 F2A2|G2E2 e3f|e2d2 d3:| B|A2f2 fef2|A2g2 gfg2|A2f2 fef2|efed B2A2 |A2f2 fef2|A2g2 g3a|b2a2 g2c2|e2d2 d3:|
Des répertoires numériques d'airs dans plusieurs formats (on the web): (multiples liens/lots of links ) (pour retrouver les airs joués sur un Cd/ to find the tunes played on a Cd) Des répertoires sur papier (tunebooks) : Essential, enduring Irish session tunes (multiples liens/lots of links ) (pour retrouver les airs joués sur un Cd/ to find the tunes played on a Cd)
Des répertoires sur papier (tunebooks) :
Essential, enduring Irish session tunes
Les sessions sont une pratique moins commune qu'en Irlande. Il existe beaucoup de répertoire commun, mais le répertoire spécifiquement écossais est moins facile à trouver sur Internet que son cousin irlandais. Il n'est que rarement classé par fréquence de jeu. Voici une liste d'airs fréquemment joués donnée sur la mailing liste anglophone Scots-L par Nigel Gatherer ( ) Sessions are not as common as in Ireland. There is a large common repertoire, but specifically Scots repertoire is not as easy to find on the web as its Irish relative. The tunes are seldom sorted out by frequence. Here is a list of frequently played tunes given by N Gatherer on the Scots-L list. ( )
Les sessions sont une pratique moins commune qu'en Irlande. Il existe beaucoup de répertoire commun, mais le répertoire spécifiquement écossais est moins facile à trouver sur Internet que son cousin irlandais. Il n'est que rarement classé par fréquence de jeu.
Voici une liste d'airs fréquemment joués donnée sur la mailing liste anglophone Scots-L par Nigel Gatherer
( )
Sessions are not as common as in Ireland. There is a large common repertoire, but specifically Scots repertoire is not as easy to find on the web as its Irish relative. The tunes are seldom sorted out by frequence.
Here is a list of frequently played tunes given by N Gatherer on the Scots-L list.
The Jig Runrig, Thunderhead, Jig O'Slurs, Hamilton House, Teviot Brig, There Cam a Young Man, Stool of Repentance, Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife, Wha'll be King But Charlie, Kenmure's on and Awa,Lads of Dunse, The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre, The Price of a Pig, Mrs Campbell of Sheerness, Da Full Rigged Ship
The Barrowburn (Addie Harper), Masons Apron, The High Road to Linton, Mrs. MacLeod of Raasay, The Old Grey Cat, Jenny Tied the Bonnet Tight, Rachel Rae, Wind that Shakes the Barley, Reel of Tulloch, Deil Amang the Tailors, Jenny Dang the Weaver, Sweet Molly, Prince Charlie, Highlandman Kissed His Mother, Jenny Nettles, Clean Pea Strae, Lochleven Castle
Stirling Castle, Smith's a Gallant, Miller o' Hirn, Miss Lyall, Gillie Callum, Stumpie, Gloomy Winter, Calum's Road, The Iron Man, Mackenzie Hay
The Athole Highlanders, The Smith's a Gallant Fireman, The Iron Man, The Dark Island,Dr Morrison's Seven Thistles, Scott Skinner's Compliments to Dr Macdonald
Willafjord, Spootiskerry, Da Mirrie Boys of Greenland, Lay Dee At Dee, Far From Home
Une petite sélection (21 airs) à copier-coller :
X:1 T:Atholl Highlanders, The R:jig M:6/8 K:A ~e3 ecA|ecA Bcd|~e3 ecA|Bcd cBA|~e3 ecA|ecA Bcd|eae fed|1 cdB Acd:|2 cdB A2A|| Ace Ace|Bdf Bdf|Ace Ace|Bcd cBA|Ace Ace|Bdf Bdf|eae fed|cdB A2A:| a2e edc|a2e edc|a2e edc|Bcd efg|a2e edc|a2e edc|~e3 fed|1 cdB A2A:|2 cdB A2B|| c2c cAc|d2d dBd|c2c cAc|B2B B=GB|c2c cAc|d2d dBd|eae fed|1 cdB A2B:|2 cdB Acd|| X:2 T:Crossing To Ireland R: Slow waltz R:Slow Waltz C:Scottish Trad, Simon Fraser Collection S:The Waltz Book M:3/4 L:1/4 Q:120 K:G E/F/|:"Em"G E E/D/|B, E>F|G E/F/ G|B>B A/G/|"D"F D D| A, D D|F D D|"Bm"A>A G/F/|"Em"G E E/D/|B, E>F|G E/F/ G| B2 A|"G"G>A B/^c/|"D"d ^c B|"B7"A G F|1 "Em" E2 E/F/:|2 "Em" E>e e/f/|| "Em"g e e|B e>B|G E E|E>b a/g/|"D"f d d|A d>A|F D D|D>a g/f/| "Em"g e e|B e>B|G E g|"Bm"f2 e|"G"G>A B/^c/|"D"d ^c B|"B7"A G F|"Em"E2 e/f/| "Em"gee|Bee|EGB|e/f/ g/b/ a/g/|"D"fdd|A d>A|DFA|"Bm"d/e/ f/g/ a/f/| "Em"g>f e|"B7"f>êd|"Em"e>d B|"D"A>G F|"G"G>A B/^c/|"D"d ^c B|"B7"A G F|"Em"E3|| X:3 T:Walking on The Moon C:Addie Harper I:Sco R:reel Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 K:A ef|:a2 a2 fe ec |e2 e2 cB Bc |A2 A2 ce ee | fe ee ce fg |a2 a2 fe ec |e2 a2 cB Bc |A2 A2 ce ec |1 Bc cB A3/2e :|2Bc cB A3/2| :=c|c2 c2 BA Ac | e2 e2 fe ef |a2 a2 fe ec |fe ec B2 e2 |c2 c2 BA Ac | e2 e2 fe ef |a2 [a2A2] fe ec |Bc cB A3 :| X:4 T:The Lambing Storm C:David A. Gordon I:Sco R:reel Q:1/4=150 M:4/4 K:Bb D2 DF A2 GA |B2 AG AF DC |D2 DF A2 GA |BA GF G2 d2 | D2 DF A2 GA |B2 AG AF DC |D2 DF A2 GA |BA GF G4 :||: G2 GA BA GB |d2 dc dc AG |F2 FG AG FA |F2 FG AG FA | G2 GA BA GB |d2 dc dc AG |Fd gd dc Bc |BA GF G2 G2 :| X:5 T:The Barrowburn reel C:Addie Harper I:Sco R:reel Q:1/4=150 M:4/4 K:D A2 |: D2 DE FA Ad |B2 BA Bd dB |A2 AB d2 de | fe dB AF EF |D2 DE FA Ad |B2 BA Bd de |f2 af eg fe |1 dB AB d2 D2 :|2 dB AB d2 |: cd | e2 ef ec BA |f2 fg fd BA |g2 ga ge cA | a2 ag f2 ef |g2 ga ge cA | a2 ag f2 ef |g2 ag f2 ed | BA AB d2 :| X:6 T:Dark Island C:Ian Maclachlan Z:Nigel Gatherer <> M:3/4 L:1/8 S:Various records K:G E \ | A3 E A2 | G3 A G2 | E3 D C2 | D4 GA | | B3 A G2 | B d3 D2 | B3 d B2 | A4 DE | | A3 E A2 | G3 A G2 | E3 D C2 | D4 GA | | B3 DdB | A3 DBA | G6 | G4 |] | Bc | d3 D D2 | B3 A G2 | E C3 E2 | D4 GA | | B3 A G2 | B d3 D2 | B3 d B2 | A4 DE | | A3 E A2 | G3 A G2 | E3 D C2 | D4 GA | | B3 DdB | A3 DBA | G6 | G4 |] X:7 T:Mrs Martha Knowles R:Reel C:Phil Cunningham I: L:1/8 Q:1/8=440 M:C K:Am e|:A2 e2 deed|e2 dB gdde|A2 BG AABd|e2 Bg AAAe:| |:Aaag aeea|g2 eg d2 eg|BGGA B2 AB|edBg AAAe:| |:Aeed eAAe|dgBd Gdde|A2 BG AABd|e2 Bg AAAe:| |:aeea e2 a(e|e)aea gedB|A2 BG AABd|1e2 Bg AAAe:|2e2 Bg AA Az|| X:8 T:Margaret's Waltz C:Pat Shuldam Shaw R:waltz O:SCO M:3/4 K:A (A>F)|"A"(E3 F) (A>B)|c4 (A>c)|"D"(B>A) F2 A2|"E7"B4 A>F|"A"(E3F) (A>B)|c4 (e>A)|"E7"c4 B2|"A"A4:| (c>d)|"A"e2 f2 g2|"D"a2 g2 a2|(f>e) d2 f2|"E7"e3 A ((3cBA)|"A"(A3 B) (c>d)|"F#m"e4 (c>A)|"Bm"(f>e) (d>c) A>c|"E7"B4 c>d| "A"e>A f>A g>A|"D"a>A g>A f>A|"A"e>A d>A c>A|"E7"B4 (A>F)|"A"(E3 F) (A>B)|c4 (e>A)|"E7"c4 B2|"A"A4:|| X:9 T:Welcome to Skye C:Neil McLeod R:waltz O:SCO M:3/4 K:D D2|"D"F3EF2|"F#m"A3FA2|"G"B3A F2|"A7"FE3F2|"Bm"D3EF2|"F#m"A3FA2|"G"B3cB2|"A7"A4A2|"G"B3dB2|"A7"B2A2FF|"D"A3FE2|"Em"E3DB,2|"D"D3EF2|"F#m"A3F DD|"A7"E3 F E2|"D"D4A2|"D"d3e d2|"Bm"dF F2 A2|"G"B3 d B2|"A7"BA A2 A2|"D"d3 e d2|"Bm"dF F2 AA|"G"B3 c B|"A7"A4 FG|"D"A3 F E2|"Bm"E3D F2|"F#m"A3 B c2|"G"d3 c B2|"D"A3 d "G"B2|"D"A3 F D2|"A7"E3 F E2|"D"D4|| X:10 T:Helen Scott of Humbie C:Freeland Barbour R:waltz O:SCO M:3/4 K:G D2|"G"G3A Bd|"C"e4 "G"(dB)|"D7"(A3 B) "C"G2|"G"G4 (Bd)|"C"e3d e<g|"G"(B3A)G2|"Am"(A6|A4) "G"(Bd)|"C"e3d e<g|"G"B4 (dB)|"Am"A2 "Em"(B3G)|"C"E2 "D"D2 DE|"G"G3 e de|"G"B2 "D"(A3B)|"C"G4 G2|"G"G4 D2||"G"G3e de|"Em"B3 e de|"G"G2 (B3 G)|"C"E2 "D"D2 DE|"G"G3 e de|"Em"B3 A "G"Bd|"Em"e3f ed|e4 (ef)|"C"g3f eg|"G"B4 (dB)|"Am"A2 "Em"(B3 G)|"C"E2 "D"D2 de|"C"G2 e3 d/2e/2|"G"B2 "D"(A3B)|"C"G4 G2|"G"G4|| X:11 T:Mary Thorburn Cunningham R:Scots Waltz C:Phil Cunningham I: M:3/4 K:G DE|G4 GA|B4 AB|c g3 e2|d B3 BA| B4 Bd|B4 A2|G E3 G2|B4 AB| c (g3 g)f|e d3 de|B3 (E E)F|E2 D2 DE| G4 AB|c E3 EF|E2 D2 E2G4:| X:12 T:Miss Susan Cooper R:Scots Reel C:Ronnie Cooper M:C| K:D (3ABc|dfedB2 (dB)|A2 (FA) DAFA|ABde fa^ga|=g2 (fd) eAce| dfed B2 (dB)|A2 (FA) DAFA|ABde fafd|eAce d2:| (dc)|Bcde fBBc|def^g a2 (gf)|eAce a2 (^ga)|=g2 (fd) eAce| dfed B2 (dB)|A2 (FA) DAFA|ABde fafd|eAce d2:| X:13 T:Repeal the Poll Tax R:Scots Reel C:Sandy Mathers M:C| K:A (AB)|ceec dcBc|AFEF A2 (FA)|B2 (BA) cefe|afec B2 (AB)| ceec dcBc|AFEF A2 (FA)|B2 (BA) cefe|afec A2:| (ce)|f2 (fe) faaf|feef c2 (ec)|BBBA cefe|afec B2 (ce)| f2 (fe) faaf|feef c2 (ec)|B2(BA) cefe|afec A2:| X: 14 T:Jean's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Bobby MacLeod S:As Played By Natalie MacMaster R:Reel K:G (3DEF|:G3A BGBd|gB (3BBB eBdB|A3B AGEG|AcBA GEDE|! G2 GA BGBd|gabg abge|d2 Bd gedB|1AGFA G2 EF:|2AGFA G2 Bd||! gBdg BBgB|dgBd gBdg|fdda fdaf|gfga baga|! (3bag gf gfêd|efgf edBd|d2 Bd gedB|1AGFA G2 Bd|AGFA G3A||! BD (3DDD EDB,D|(3DDD B2 (3DDD B2|A2 (3DDD ADFA|dD^cD =cAFA|! BDGB (3DDD B2|GBDG BDGB|ADFA dD^cD|cAFA G3A|! BD (3DDD EDB,D|(3DDD B2 (3DDD B2|A2 (3DDD A,2 (3DDD|d2 (3DDD c2 (3DDD|! BDGB (3DDD B2|GBDG BDGB|ADFA dD^cD|cAFA G2 Bd||! gBdg BBgB|dgBd gBdg|fdda fdaf|gfga baga|! (3bag gf gfêd|efgf edBd|d2 Bd gedB|AGFA G2 Bd|! gBdg _Bdg=B|dg_Bd g=Bdg|fdda fdaf|gfga baga|! (3bag gf gfêd|efgf edBd|d2 Bd gedB|AGFA G2||! X:15 T:Jig Run Rig C:Fergie McDonald I:Scots Jig Q:1/4=160 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D f/e/ |d2 d BAA |FAA BAA |Bdd AAA | fee efe |d2 d BAA |FAA BAA |Bdd Aff | edd d2:|a/g/ |faa eaa |daa caa | Bdd AAA |1fee eag |faa eaa |daa caa | Bdd Aff |edd d2 z :|2fee efe |d2 d BAA | FAA BAA |Bdd Aff |edd d2 |] X:16 T:Scarce o'Tatties C:Norman McLean I:Scots Jig Q:1/4=160 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:C Aee êfg |edB dBG |Aee êfg |edB A2 e | aaa gag |^fgf eAA |Aee êfg |edB A2 e :| aeg a2 ^f |g2 ^f eAA |aeg a2 e |ga^f e3 | eee AAA |d^ff fee |Aee êfg |edB A3 :| X:17 T:Lyndhurst C:Jack Smith I:Scots Jig Q:1/4=160 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:A f |BBB BcA |Bce fec |AAA Ace | aga fec |BBB BcA | Bce fec |Ace fec |BcA B2 :| c//e3/4 |f a2 fea |fga fec | AAA Ace |aga fec |1f a2 fea |fga fec | Ace fec |BcA B2 :|2BBB BcA |Bce fec | Ace fec |BcA B2 || f |BcA cBB |fea fec |AAA Ace |aga fec |BcA cBB | fea fec |Ace fec |BcA B2 :| c//e3/4 |fea f2 e |afe fec |AAA Ace |aga fec |1fea f2 e |afe fec | Ace fec |BcA B2 :|2BcA cBB |fea fec |Ace fec |BcA B2 ||] X:18 T:The Hut On Staffin Island C:Phil Cunningham I: R:reel Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D A,B, DE D3 E | FE FA d2 cA | B3 d BA FD | E2 FE DB, B,D | A,B, DE D3 E | FE (3:2:1F(3:2:1G(3:2:1A dD cD | B3 d BA FD |1E2 FE D3 B, :| [2E2 FE D2 FA || d3 d d2 ed | cB cd c2 BA | B3 B B2 dB | AF ED DB, B,2 | d3 d d2 ed | cB cd c2 BA | B2 GA Bc dB | AF EF DD D2 | d3 d d2 ed | cB cd c2 BA | B2 GA B2 dB | AF EF DB, B,D | A,B, DE D3 E | FE (3:2:1F(3:2:1G(3:2:1A d2 cA | B3 d BA FD | E2 FE D4 |] X:19 T:Andy Mc Stewart Reel C:Phil Cunningham R:reel I: Q:1/4=220 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D Dd dc d3 e |fd ec dc AB |=cG (3GGG ec (3ccc |g=c fg a2 fg | aA fa g2 fe |dc de dc AB |=cG (3GGG cd eg |fg ec dB AF :: DA, (3B,=C^C D2 (3DDD |AD FA G=C EG |FD DC Dd de |(3faf ec d2 (3ef^g | a3 f g2 fe |fd (3edc dc AB |=cG (3:2:1G(3:2:1G(3:2:1G cd eg |fg ec dB AG :| FA EA D2 dD |Dd Ad (3Bcd eg |fa ec dc AB |=cG (3GGG ef ge | aA fa g2 fe |dc de dc AB |=cG (3GGG cd eg |fg ec dB AG | FA EA D2 dD |(3DDD dc (3Bcd eg |fa ge fd (3ddd |df ec d2 fg | aA fa g2 fe |dc de dc AB |=cG (3GGG cd eg |fg ec d2 z2 |] X:20 T:Lord McDonald M:C R:reel L:1/8 K:G Major DGBG DGBG|c2Bc AGEG|DGGF G3E|DEDC B,G,G,2|! DGBG DGBG|c2Bc AGEG|B3A G3E|DEGA BGG2|]! Bdd^c dBAd|Bdef aged|Bdd^c d3B|A2GA BGG2|! Bdd^c dBAd|Bdef aged|Bdef gfge|dBAc BGG2|]! dgbg agbg|dgbg ageg|dgbg agbg|dedc BGG2|! dgbg agbg|dgbg ageg|bggf gage|dega bgg2|]! Bdd^c dBAd|Bdef aged|Bdd^c d3B|A2GA BGG2|! Bdd^c dBAd|Bdef aged|Bdef gfge|dBAc BGG2|]! X:21 T:Jenny Dang The Weaver C:Trad O:Scotland R:reel Q:1/4=210 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D f |: d3/A/ A/A/A AFAB | d3/A/ A/A/A f2 ef | d3/B/ B/B/B BABd | AB de faef :| de fd efge | de fd e2 dB | de fd efge | a3/A/ A/A/A f2 ef | de fd efge | de fd e2 dB | de fd efge | a3/A/ A/A/A fef z |]
La musique locale est jouée avec l'irlandaise et l'écossaise. J'ai peu d'informations sur les sessions, si vous en avez écrivez moi! Voici une collection d'airs (59) trouvés sur la Toile, ou transcrits. Local music is played along with Irish and Scots tunes. I have little information on sessions, please let me know! Here is a collection of (59) specifically quebecois tunes :
La musique locale est jouée avec l'irlandaise et l'écossaise. J'ai peu d'informations sur les sessions, si vous en avez écrivez moi! Voici une collection d'airs (59) trouvés sur la Toile, ou transcrits.
Local music is played along with Irish and Scots tunes. I have little information on sessions, please let me know! Here is a collection of (59) specifically quebecois tunes :
X: 1 T:Jordan's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Peter Dawson R:Reel K:Bb fe|dBAB FBDF|B,FDF BcdB|Gccd ecge|cecA FAcA|! BFDF B,FDF|GEB,E G,B,EG|FcAF ecAc|Bbfd B2:|! K:f AB|(3cdc ^Bd cAFA|cfAc fcaf|dbfd cafc|Bgec BcAB|! (3cdc ^Bd cAFA|cfAc fcaf|dbfd cafc|Bgec f2:|! X: 2 T:Reel de L'Enfant M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Trad. S:The Schryer Triplets R:Reel K:G d|gfgb afdg|ecdc BGBd|gfgb afdf|egfa g2d2|! gfgb afdg|ecdc BGBd|bgaf gedB|ceAc BGG2||! |GDB,D DGBG|cGBG AGAB|GDB,D DGBG|ceAc BGG2|! GDB,D DGBG|cGBG AGAB|GDB,D DGBG|ceAc BGG2||! X: 3 T:Reel Du Goglu M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Chris Ricker R:Reel K:D fg|afge dfed|(3cd^d ec ABAG|FAdf gfed|(3cd^d ec A2fg|! afge dfed|(3cd^d ec ABAG|FAdf gecd|ed (3ddd d2:|! cd|eA (3AAA Adfd|eA (3AAA Adfd|gfeg fedf|edcB AGFE|! DFAc d2cB|Acêg a2^ga|(3bb^g af gecd|ed (3ddd d2:|! X: 4 T:Madame Renaud M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. R:Reel K:G |:"G"G2 BG dGBG|DGBd g2fg|"Am"A2 (3cBA eAcA|"D7"ABcd efge|! "G"G2BG dGBG|DGBd g2fg|"Am"afge fdec|1"D7"ABcd efge:|2"D7"ABcd edBd||! "G"g2fg dgBg|dgba gfed|"Am"ea^ga ea^ga|"D7"ecag fedf|! "G"g2fg dgBg|dgba gfeg|"Am"afge fdec|1"D7"ABcd edBd:|2"D7"ABcd efge||! X: 5 T:Cotillion á Huit M:6/8 L:1/8 C:Trad. R:Jig K:G D|GBd gdB|{d}cBc edc|GBd gdB|cAF F2D|! GBd gdB|c2 e dBd|(3gag e dBG|cAF G2:|! f|g2 d edc|BGB dfa|g2 d edc|BcA A2 f|! g2 d edc|BGB dfa|(3gag e dBG|cAF G2:| X: 6 T:Double Clog M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. C Ricker R:Reel K:Bb F>A|:B2dB fBAB|gBaB bBAB|FBAB Gc=Bc|AecA BFDF|! B2 dB fBAB|gBaB bBAB|FBAB Gc=Bc|AecA BFGA:|! |:B2 dB fBAB|bagf =egfd|B2dB fdBd|(3cde Ac BFDF|! B2 dB fBAB|bagf =egfd|B2 dB fdBd|(3cde Ac BFGA:| X: 7 T:Allens Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Web Acheson R:Reel K:A c2 B2|:Aceg aece|Adfa ecA2|EGBe Acea|Bdfb e2 (3efg|! afdf ecAc|dBGB AFDF|EGBe Acea|gedB A2z2:|! |:B2GB eeBe|ggeg bgeg|fBdf afdf|fedc BAGA|! BBGB eeBe|ggeg bgeg|fBdf afdf|1efêd e2z2:|2efêd edcB|| X: 8 T:Archie Menzie's M:4/4 L:1/8 C:John Lowe R:Reel K:F FE|:~F CF AFEF|Acde fcA^F|G2DG BGDG|(3Bcd ef gdBG|! ~F CF AFCF|Acde fcAF|BdGB AcFA|GECE F2 FE:|! fe|:ffcf afef|cfag fed^f|g2 dg bg^fg|dgba gfed|! f2 cf afef|cfag fedc|BdGB AcFA|GECE F2 fe:|| X: 9 T:Blind Man's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Dawson Girdwood R:Reel K:D A2zG|:FD (3DDD EDB,G,|A,DFA BAFD|CEGB cBAG|FAde fdAG|! F2 (3DDD EDB,G,|A,DFA BAFD|CEGB cBAG|1FdAF D2 AG:|2FdAF D2 de||! |:fdAc dAFA|(3BBA ^GB edcB|Acde fdgf|ecdf ecfe|! fdAc dAFA|(3BBA ^GB edcB|Afed cABc|1d2 dc d3 e:|2dedc d2 AG|| X: 10 T:Big John McNeil M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. R:Reel K:A A2|:A,2 CE FECE|AECE FECE|A,2 CE FECE|FAGF EDCB,|! A,2 CE FECE|AECE FECE|A,CB,D CEDF|1EGBd (3cBA A2:|2EGBd (3cBA cd||! |:eAfA eAcd|eAfA e2 (3agf|eAfA eAce|dece B2 cd|! eAfA eAcd|eAfA e2 fg|agfe fedc|1defg a2 cd:|2defg a2 A2|| X: 11 T:Raemona's Waltz M:3/4 R:Waltz C:Brian Hebert N:C Ricker's Old Teacher. K:G dc (3BcB G>E||D2 B3 D|_E2 B3 _E|=E2B3d|c2 B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| D6 |D3B,C^C|D2B3D|_E2B3_E|=E2B3d|c2B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| G6 |G3D (3EFE|D2B3D|_E2B3_E|=E2B3d|c2B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| D6 |D3B,C^C|D2B3d|_e2B3E|=E2B3d|ed Bd BA|G E3G|F2GA3| G6 |G3def|| |:g6|f2dB3|c3d (3efg|d |e3f (3gfe|de dc B2|A2 ^C2 (3efe|d3 d ef| g|f2dB3|c3 d (3efg|d4 dB|c3c2c|c2B2F2|1 G6 |G3 d ef:|2 g6 |G3 B, C^C| X: 12 T:Angus Campbell M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Scott Skinner R:Reel K:A E2|:A2 cA EAce|a2 ga faec|dcBd cBAc|BABc BAGB|! A2 cA EAce|a2 ga faec|dcBd cBAc|1BAGB A2 (3EFG:|2BAGB A2 (3efg||! |:a2ea caed|(3cBA ce aece|ebgb ebgb|gefg agfe|! a2 ea caed|(3cBA ce aecA|defe ceaf|1ecdB A2 (3efg:|2ecdB A2 (3EFG|| X: 13 T:Reel du Printemps M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Yvon Cuillerier R:Reel K:A eg|:a2AA cAec|Bcde fefg|a2AA cAeA|fAgA a2eg|! a2AA cAec|Bcde fefg|afge fdec|1dfec A2eg:|2dfec A2ed||! |:cAEA Acec|Bcde f2ed|cAEA Acec|dfec dBBd|! cAEA Acec|Bcde fefg|afge fdec|1dfec A2ed:|2dfec A2||! X: 14 T:Donegal Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. R:Reel K:D A,C|:D2DE FEFA|dAFA BFAF|E2EF GFGA|BGAF EGFE|D2DE FEFA|! dAFA dfag|fgec dcdB|1AFGE D2 (3A,B,C:|2(3ABc ec d2 (3ABc||! |:defg fdAd|fdAd f2ed|cBce gfed|cdef g2 (4fgfe|! defg afdf|afdf abag|fgef dcdB|AFGE D2 Ac:|| X: 15 T:Reel de Chateauguay M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Trad. S:Yvon Cuillerier R:Reel K:g dg|:b2bg a2af|ggbg d2dg|fdAB cBce|dBGA B2dg|! b2bg a2af|ggbg d2dg|fdAB cdef|1g2b2 g2dg:|2g2b2 g2BA||! G2GB d2g2|efge d2dg|fdAB cBce|dBGA B2BA|! G2GB d2g2|efge d2dg|fdAB cdef|1g2b2 g2BA:|2g2b2 g2z2|| X: 16 T:Reel Indien M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Trad. R:Reel K:G Bc|:d2fd B2dB|G2BG D2DF|A2AB cBcA|GFGA BABc|! d2fd B2dB|G2BG D2DF|A2AB cAFA|1G2B2 G2Bc:|2G2B2 G2GB||! K:C c2Gc e2ce|g6 gf|eceg fedc|BGAB cBAG|! c2Gc e2ce|g6 gf|eceg fedc|1BGAB c2GB:|2BGAB c2 z2||! X: 17 T:Dowd's Favorite M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:As Played By Andy McGann R:Reel K:Gm G2|:DGGA BABG|D ~F3 CFAF|DGGA BABd|(3cBA fc AG G2|! DGGA BABG|D ~F2 dFcF|DGGA BABd|(3cBA fc AGGA:|! |:B2 (3dcB FBdB|FBdB cAFA|B2 (3dcB fBdB|cAFA BG G2|! (3Bcd Bd fBdc|(3Bcd Bd cAFA|GB (3ABc Bbag|fdcA BG G2:|! |:gd (3ddd g2 ag|fc (3ccc fgaf|gd (3ddd gbag|fdcA BGBd|! (3gag fa g2 ag|(3fgf =eg fdcA|GB (3ABc Bbag|fdcA BG G2:|! X: 18 T:Sam Cormier Reel M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Denis Lanctót R:Reel K:E GF|E2B,E CEB,E|GBeB AGFG|EG (3GGG Begf|eccB ceBG|! E2B,E CEB,E|GBeB AGFG|EGcG BG (3GGG|FEFG E2:||! a2|:geBA GBeg|fB~B2 fBBa|gfec B2GB|ceBG F2 Fa|! geBA GBeg|fB~B2 fBBg|agfe f2ec|1Bcef geea:|2Bcef geeF||! X: 19 T:The High Level M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 C:James Hill S:Scott Skinner R:Hornpipe B:The Scottish Violinist K:Bb dc|BdFB DFBd|fbdf Bdc=B|ceAc FCFB|AFAc ecAc|! BdFB DFBd|fbdf BdcB|GABc d=efc|AFAc B2:||! cB|Afcf Afcf|AFAc fcAc|dfBf dfBf|dBdf bfdf|! =egcg =egcg|=ec=eg bg=eg|fcaf gb=eg|1f=efg fd:|2f=efg f_edc||! X: 20 T:Don Messer's Breakdown M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 R:Reel K:C GF|ECEG c2ea|g2ea gece|dcde fdBd|cBcA G2GF|! ECEG c2ea|g2ea gece|dcde fdBd|cBcd c2:|! GF|E2G2c2e2|g4 g4|{efg}a2g2f2e2|dedc BcBA|! G2FG BGBd|g4 g4|{efg}a2g2 fdBd|cBcd c2:| X: 21 T:Reel de la Tuque Bleue M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Trad. S:Dawson Girdwood R:Reel K:F e|"F"f2 cf a2 gf|"C7"eceg bgeg|"F"f2 cf fagf|"C7"edcB "F"AFFe|"F"f2 cf f agf|! "C7"eceg bgeg|1"F"f2 cf fagf|"C7"edcB "F"AFFe:|2"F"f2 cf fagf|"C7"edcB " F"AFFc||! |"F"AFcF AFGA|"Gm"BGdG BGGB|"F"AFcF AFGA|"C7"B2 cB "F"AFFc|"F"AFcF AFGA| ! "Gm"BG d2 B2 cB|1"F"Acde fdcB|"C7"AFGD "F"F3c:|2"F"Acde fdcB|"C7"AFGD "F "F2 e2||! X: 22 T:Golden Eagle Hornpipe M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Mark O'Connor K:G BA|GB,DG BDGB|dGBd gbag|(4fgfe d_d cAFD|GBAG FDBA|! GB,DG BDGB|dGBd gbag|(4fgfe d_d cAFD|GBAF G2:|! b^a|bf^df bagf|êdef ^gefg|a^c (3ef^g aba=g|fdec d2 (3gab|! c'2 ge d_efa|(3gagf ag bgag|fcBc ecAF|G2 (4GAGF G2:|! X: 23 T:Killavail Fancy M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Reel K:G |DGBG A2 BA|G ~E3 cEGE|DGBG A2 BA|GEED EFGA|! B2 dB A2 BA|G ~E3 cEGE|DGBG A2 BA|GEED EG G2||! GABd e2 ge|dBBA dBAB|GABd e2 ge|dBAG EG G2|! GABd e2 ge|dBBA dega|bgag egde|gedB AGEG||! X: 24 T:Pigeon on the Gate M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Jerry Holland R:Reel K:Gm c|:dG (3GGG {e}dcAc|d2 de dcAB|cF (3FFF cFAB|c2 cf dcBc|! dG (3GGG {e}dcAc|d2 de dcAG|FAcf afga|fdcA GABc:||! dg (3ggg fagf|dgga bgaf|dcde fgfd|cA f2 fgaf|! dg (3ggg fagf|dgga bgaf|dcde fgfd|1cAFA GABc:|2cAFA G2 G||! X: 25 T:Peter Feeney's Dream M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Joe Derrane S:Jean Carignan R:Reel K:DMaj |:dedc BAFE|DEFD EA, ~A,2|DFAG FAdc|Bfed cgfe|! dedc BAFE|DEFD EA, ~A,2|DEFA dBAG|(3FGF (3EFE D3 c:|! "tr"dcde fdfa|d'dd'c' bA a2|A2 (3cBA eA (3cBA|EAce agfe|! "tr"dcde fdfa|d'dd'c' bA a2|AB (3ccd ef (3ggf|1agfe d2Ac:|2agfe d2 (3ABc ||! |"variation of first part"(3ded (3cdc (3BcB (3ABA|(3GAG (3FGF EA,CE|DFAG FAdc|Bfed cgfe|! dedc BAFE|DEFD EA, ~A,2|DEFA dBAG|(3FGF (3EFE D3 c||! X: 26 T:Reel Béatrice M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 C:Trad. S:Arr. Chris Ricker R:Reel K:Am A,3B,|:C2A,C EA,CE|AEEC E2AB|ccAc eAce|ae (3eee aeab|! c'bag fedc|Bdd^c d4|êdef e=dcB|1A3 A, A,3 B,:|2A3 A, A,2 z2||! |:a2 fa bf (3fff|fêde ae (3eee|êdef e=ddB|cdcB A2 a2|! aafa bf (3fff|fêde ae (3eee|êdef e=dcB|1A2 z A, A,3 z:|2A2 z4 G>B||! |:cG (3GGG EGce|cG (3GGG EGce|dB (3BBB GBdB|cc'ba gfed|! cG (3GGG EGce|cG (3GGG EGce|dB (3BBB GBdB|1cBcd c2 GB:|2cBcd c2 z2||! X: 27 T:Judy's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Chris Ricker R:Reel K:D DE|FAAB AFED|FAAB Acde|fBBA Bcde|fBBA BcdA|! FAAB AFED|FAAB Acde|fBBA BcdB|1AFEF D2:|2AFEF D3g||! fgab afde|fdad bdad|efga bgef|(3gfe be gfeg|! fgaf bfaf|defd efde|fBBA BcdB|1AFEF D2 g2:|2AFEF D2||! X: 28 T:Mr. Gordon of Hallhead M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Wm Marshall S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Strathspey D:"The Traditional Album" K:G |:G>D B,>D G/2F/2E/2D/2 B,>D|G2 BG A2 (3ABA|G>DB,D G/2F/2E/2F/2 Gg|dB c /2B/2A /2G/2 DG G2:||! d|:g/2f/2g/2a/2 g2 g/2f/2g/2a/2 g2|e/2f/2g/2a/2 b/2a/2g/2f/2 ea ag/2f/2| g<b e<g d<g B<G|! |1cA c/2B/2A/2G/2 DG G2:|2cd c/2B/2A/2G/2 DG G2|| X: 29 T:Don Side M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Barra MacNeils R:Strathspey K:G E|:D<GB>G A>GE<A|D<GB>G A>GB<d|c>AB<G A>GE<e|d<g B<A B<G G2:||! f|:g<dg>B A>GE<f|g<d g<d g<d ga|b/2a/2g/2f/2 g<B AGE>e|d<g B>A B<G G2:|| ! f|:(3ggg b>g a>ge<g|(3ggg bg dgbg|a>gb<g a>ge<g|d<g BA B<G G2:||! (3DEF|:G>D B,<D E<A, A,2|{DEF}G>DB,<D G,>DB,<D|C<E B,D A,2 A,D|! |1G/2F/2E/2D/2 GD B,<G, G,2:|2G/2F/2E/2D/2 C/2B,/2A,/2B,/2 >G,2 G,2|| X: 30 T:The Red Coat M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Reel K:G d2|:BABd (3eee g2|DGBA BGGA|BABd (3eee g2|afgB (3AAA Ad:||! g|bgaf gdeg|1DGBA BGGg|bgaf gaba|gedB (3AAA A2:||! |2DGBA BGGA|BABd (3eee g2|afgB (3AAA A2||! X: 31 T:The Peerie Werrie M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Reel K:G c|:BGGD G3c|BGBd gdec|BGGD G3 B|A=FAB c2 BA:||! |:BddB dedc|1Bdef gfed|BddB dedB|A=FAB c2 BA:|! |2Bdef g2 de|gbeg dgBd|A=FAB c BA|| X: 32 T:Killavil Fancy M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Reel K:G ||DGBG A2 BA|G ~E3 cEGE|DGBG A2 BA|GEED EFGA|! |B2 dB A2 BA|G ~E3 cEGE|DGBG A2 BA|GEED EG G2||! ||GABd e2 ge|dEEA dBAB|GABd e2 ge|dBAG EG G2|! |GABd e2 ge|dBBA dega|bgag egde|gedB AGEG||! X: 33 T:Paddy On The Turnpike M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad. S:Arr. Barra MacNeils R:Reel K:G G=F|:DGGF G3 c|BGdG eGdG|A=FFE F2 Fc|A=FcF dFcF|! AGGF G3 A|_BAGA _Bcde|=fg=fd cA=FA|_BGA=F G2 GF:||! A|:dggf g2 dg|bgdg bgde|c=ffe f2 cf|a=fcf afcf|! dggf g2 ga|_bga=f gdde|=fgfd cA=FA|_BGA=F G3 A:||! X: 34 T:Betty Lou's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Donald Angus Beaton S:Arr. The Rankin Family R:Reel K:D |:f2 Bc defe|ceaf efAb|(3fff Bc defe|1cAac (3BBB B2:|2ceac B2 BA||! |:FBBc d2 cB|ceaf ecBA|FBBc d2 cB|1cAac (3BBB BA:|2ceac (3BBB B2||! % Output from ABC2Win Version 2.0 New on 2/4/96 X: 35 T: The Saint Lawrence Jig O: Qu\'ebec R: jig Z: John Chambers <> M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: D A |: "D"A>BA FAd | f2d A2d | "A7"c2B G2B | "D"B2A "(A7)"F2G \ | "D"A>BA FAd | f2d A2d | "A7"c>ec ABc | "D"d3- dz2 :| f/g/ \ |: "G"a2g B2g | "D"g2f A2d | "A7"c>de ABc | "D"d>cB A2f/g/ \ | "G"a2g B2g | "D"g2f A2d | "A7"d2c cBc | "D"d3- dz2 :| X: 36 T: Pays de Haut T: The High Country R: reel Z: 1997 by John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 K: D |: fg \ | "D"afaf d2ef | "A7"gege c2ef | gfed cABc |1 "D"defg a2 :|2 "D"df"A7"ec "D"d2 :| |: AG \ | "D"FAdA FAdA | "G"GBdB GBdB | "A7"ABcd efec |1 "D"defg a2 :|2 "D"df"A7"ec "D"d2 :| X: 37 T: The Old Man and Old Woman O: Don Messer R: reel Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: Bc \ | "G"dedB GBdB | "D7"cdcB A2g2 | fgfe dfaf |1 "G"gage d2 :|2 "G"gfga g2 :| |: Bc \ | "G"dg2g g2Bc | "D7"df2f f2AB |1 "C"ce2e e2dB | "G"GABc d2 :|2 "C"ce2e e2dc | "G"BG"D7"AF "G"G2 :| X: 38 T: Mouth of the Tobique R: reel Z: 1997 by John Chambers <> N: < Donna Hinds < Graham Townsend < Don Messer M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: (3DEF | "G"GFGA Bded | BdBG DGBG | "D7"AGFE DFAc |1 "G"BdBG "D7"D2 :|2 "G"BG2G G2 :| |: ef | "G"gfga gfeg | "D7"fdAd fagf | "C"ecAF "D7"DFAc |1 "G"BGBc "D7"d2 :|2 "G"BG2G G2 :| X: 39 T: Reel des Jeunes Mari\'es R: reel Z: 1997 by John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 K: D |: "D"D2F[AD] FAde | fafd A2ef | "A7"gfed cABc |1 "D"dcde fdAF :|2 "D"df"A7"ec "D"d2z2 :| fg \ |: "D"a2fd Adfa | "A7"g2ec Acef | g2ec Aceg |1 "D"fedf "A7"eAdf :|2 "D"fd"A7"ec "D"d2z2 :| X: 40 T: la Grandeuse O: Randy Miller R: reel Z: John Chambers <> M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: D |: A,2 \ | "D"D2FE DEFA | dcde fdAF | "G"G2BG "D"F2AF |1 "Em"EFGE "A7"DCB,A, :|2 "A7"ECA,C "D"D2 :| |: CB, \ | "A7"A,B,CD EFGF | EDEF GABc | "D"dcdB ABde | fagf "A7"e2A2 | | "D"d2fd "A7"c2ec | "G"BcdB "D"AFDF | "G"G2BG "D"F2AF | "A7"ECA,C "D"D2 :| X: 41 T: Golden Wedding Reel T: Richibucto Reel O: Jerry Robichaud R: reel Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: Bc \ | "G"d2BG DGBd | gedB GABd | "F"~c2A=F cFAB | cdcA =F2Bc | | "G"d2BG DGBd | gedB G2ef | "C"gfge "G"dBge | "D7"dBAF "G"G2 :| |: ef \ | "C" gfga gecg | ecgc e{f}gcg | "D7"daab afda | fdad fdef | | "C" gfga gecg | ecgc e{f}gcg | "D7"afge dBge | dBAB "G"G2 :| X:42 T:Gasp\'e Reel O:French Canadian M:C| L:1/8 K:D |: "D"f2ef e2dB | AFA2 B2A2 | "A7"g2fg fecA |1 BABc ~B2A2 :|2 "A7"B2c2 "D"d4 :| |: "A7"e2f2 g2fe | "D"f2g2 a4 | "A7"e2f2 gecA |1 "(G)"BABc "A7"~B2A2 :|2 "A7"B2c2 "D"d4 :| X: 43 T: Frenchie's Reel O: Trad Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 E: lw 400 K: Bb |: FE \ | "Bb"DFBc d2FE | DFBc d2cB | "F7"AFcF eFcF | AFcF e2FE | | "Bb"DFBc d2FE | DFBc d2cB | "F7"AFcF eFcF | "Bb"BABc B2 :| |: FE \ | "Bb"~D2BD FBDF | BDFB- BDFB | "Eb"~E2BE GBEG | "(Cm)"BEGB- BEGB | | "F7"~F2cF AcFA | eFAd- dFcF | "Bb"BABd "F7"cBAc | "Bb"BABc B2 :| X: 44 T: Frenchie's Reel O: Trad Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 E: lw 400 K: G |: DC \ | "G"B,DGA B2DC | B,DGA B2AG | "D7"FDAD cDAD | FDAD c2DC | | "G"B,DGA B2DC | B,DGA B2AG | "D7"FDAD cDAD | "G"GFGA G2 :| |: DC \ | "G"~B,2GB, DGB,D | GB,DG- GB,DG | "C"~C2GC EGCE | "(Am)"GCEG- GCEG | | "D7"~D2AD FADF | cDFB- BDAD | "G"GFGB "D7"AGFA | "G"GFGA G2 :| X: 45 T: Frenchie's Reel O: Trad Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 E: lw 400 K: D |: AG \ | "D"FAde f2AG | FAde f2ed | "A7"cAeA gAeA | cAeA g2AG | | "D"FAde f2AG | FAde f2ed | "A7"cAeA gAeA | "D"dcde d2 :| |: AG \ | "D"~F2dF AdFA | dFAd- dFAd | "G"~G2dG BdGB | "(em)"dGBd- dGBd | | "A7"~A2eA ceAc | gAcf- fAeA | "D"dcdf "A7"edce | "D"dcde d2 :| X: 46 T: Don Tremain's Reel Z: John Chambers <> R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: D |: FG || "D"ABAG FADF | "G"GFGA BcdB | "A7"Aceg fcec | "D"dAFB "A7"A2FG | | "D"ABAG FADF | "G"GFGA BcdB | "A7"Aceg fcec | "D"d6 :| |: ef || "G"gage "D"fgfd | "A7"efec "D"dAef | "G"gage "D"fgfd | "A7"ea2b a2 ef | | "G"gage "D"fgfd | "A7"efec "D"dAFD | "G"G2 EG "D"FEDF | "A7"EDCE "D"D2 :| X: 47 T: Danse de chez nous O: Philippe Bruneau R: jig Z: 1997 by John Chambers <> M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G d \ |: "G"g2B d2G | B3- B2G | DEF GAB | "Am"c3- c2d | "D7"e2A c2G | F3- F2d | fed cBA |1 "G"B3- B2 :|2 "G"G6 || |: "G"DGB d2B | e2B dBG | DGB d2B | e2B "D7"cAF | DFA c2A | d2A cAF | DFA cBA |1 "G"G3{Be}d3 :|2 "G"G3{Bd}g3 |] X: 48 T: la Belle Catherine O: Qu\'ebec R: reel Z: John Chambers <> M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: C |: "C"EGce dcc2 | EGce dcc2 | "G7"Bcde fefg |1 ag^fg "C"ecc2 :|2 "G7"aged "C"c2z2 :| |: "C"eg~g2 gagf | eg~g2 "F"[a4f4] | "G"~g2^fg bagf |1 ag^fg ecc2 :|2 "G7"aged "C"c2z2 :| X: 49 T: Reel BÈatrice R: reel O: Jos Bouchard B: D: La Bottine Souriante "Je Voudrais Changer D'Chapeau" Z: John Chambers <> N: Well-known in New England, and many variants exist. N: (Did Jos Bouchard write this tune?) M: C| L: 1/8 K: Am A,B, \ |: "Am"CB,A,C E2CE | A2EA EGAB \ | cBAc e2ce | aeea egab | | c'bag fedc | "Dm"BddB d4 \ | "E7"êdef e=dcB | "Am"AA,A,A, A,2z2 :| |: "Dm"a2^ga bff2 | "Am"fêde a4 \ | "E7"e2^de f2e=d | "Am"cdcB cBA2 | | "Dm"a2^ga bff2 | "Am"fêde a4 \ | "E7"êdef e=dcB |1 "Am"AA,A,A, A,2z2 :|2 "Am"A2z2 "G7"G2AB || |: "C"c2Gc EGce | c2Gc EGce \ | "G7"d2Bd GBdB |1 "C"c2ba "(G7)"gfed :|2 "C"ce"G7"dB "C"c2z2 :| X: 50 T: Reel BÈatrice R: reel O: Jos Bouchard B: D: La Bottine Souriante "Je Voudrais Changer D'Chapeau" Z: John Chambers <> N: Well-known in New England, and many variants exist. N: (Did Jos Bouchard write this tune?) M: C| L: 1/8 K:BAEO %Transposed from AM B,C \ |: "Bm"DCB,D F2DF | B2FB FABc \ | dcBd f2df | bffb fabc' | | d'c'ba gfed | "Em"ceec e4 \ | "F#7"f=f^fg fedc | "Bm"BB,B,B, B,2z2 :| |: "Em"b2^ab c'gg2 | "Bm"gf=f^f b4 \ | "F#7"f2=f^f g2fe | "Bm"dedc dcB2 | | "Em"b2^ab c'gg2 | "Bm"gf=f^f b4 \ | "F#7"f=f^fg fedc |1 "Bm"BB,B,B, B,2z2 :|2 "Bm"B2z2 "A7"A2Bc || |: "D"d2Ad FAdf | d2Ad FAdf \ | "A7"e2ce Acec |1 "D"d2c'b "(G7)"agfe :|2 "D"df"A7"ec "D"d2z2 :| X: 51 T: la Bastrange O: Qu\'ebec R: reel Z: John Chambers <> M: C| L: 1/8 K: D |: "D"f2ff f2gf \ | "A7"e2c2 "D"d4 \ | "A7"c2d2 efec \ | "D"d2e2 f2d2 \ | "D"f2ff f2gf | | "A7"e2c2 "D"d4 \ | "G"g2f2 efed \ | "A7"B2c2 "D"d4 \ :: "D"d2fd adfd \ | "C"=c2ec gcec \ | "D"d2fd adfa | | "A7"bgec dcBA \ | "D"d2fd adfd \ | "C"=c2ecgcec \ | "D"d2fd adfa \ | "A7"bgec "D"d4 :| X: 52 T:Reel Béatrice M:2/4 L:1/16 C:Trad. S:Arr. Chris Ricker R:Reel K:D %Transposed from AM B,3C|:D2B,D FB,DF|BFFD F2Bc|ddBd fBdf|bf (3fff bfbc'| d'c'ba gfed|ceêd e4|f=f^fg fedc|1B3 B, B,3 C:|2B3 B, B,2 z2|| |:b2 gb c'g (3ggg|gf=f^f bf (3fff|f=f^fg feec|dedc B2 b2| bbgb c'g (3ggg|gf=f^f bf (3fff|f=f^fg fedc|1B2 z B, B,3 z:|2B2 z4 A>c|| |:dA (3AAA FAdf|dA (3AAA FAdf|ec (3ccc Acec|dd'c'b agfe| dA (3AAA FAdf|dA (3AAA FAdf|ec (3ccc Acec|1dcde d2 Ac:|2dcde d2 z2|| X:53 T:La valse des jouets C:Michel Faubert I:Quebec Q:1/4=126 M:3/4 %Meter K:D f |:fe fg fe |dB AF Df |fe fg fe | dB AF De |ed ef ed |c3 d cB |AE AB (3cBA |1dB AF Df :|2d2 dA (3ABc |:dA FA GA |B3 G Bd | cA Bc de |f3 f df |bf df bf |g2 e2 d2 | cA ce ag |f2 d2 c2 |BF FF BF |G2 e2 d2 | cB AG FE |F4 F2 |GF GA Bc |de f3 f | ge ce BA |1d4 (3ABc :|2d6 |] X:54 T:Valse des iles de la madeleine C: I:Buttons and Bows Q:1/4=157 K:A M:3/4 z E Ac fe |c3 B/c/ BA |G3 F/G/ FE |F2 C4 | z E Ac fe |c3 B/c/ BA |G3 F/G/ F2 |D6 | z F Bc df |b4 ab |a3 f ga |g3/4a/g3/4 f4 | z _B =Bc de |g3 f/g/ fg |a3 f ga |c6 | z E Ac fe |c3 B/c/ BA |G3 F/G/ FE |F2 C4 | z E Ac fe |a4 AB |c2 B3 A |B4 z c | BF Bc df |b4 cB |c4 cB |c2 B/c/B A2 | e3 c ea |f3 d f3/4g/a3/4 |g3 e gb |a6 | z4 a2 |f4 A2 |d4 a2 |f3 a fA | d4 d3/4c/B3/4 |A2 d3 f |b2 a3 d |c3 d cB | A4 b2 |=g4 A2 |c4 b2 |=g3 b gA | c4 d3/4c/B3/4 |A2 c3 e |a2 g2 =g2 |f2 d2 B2 | A4 a2 |f4 A2 |d4 a2 |f3 a fA | d3 A FE |D3 C DE |F2 =G3 A |B4 z c | B4 d2 |B4 =G2 |E3 d cd |A4 F2 | D3 A GA |B3 =G FG |c3 A GA |d6 |] X:55 T:Valse à Jessie C:Marcel Messervier O:Québec D:Trian 1 Q:1/4=170 P:IABACDABACE K:D M:3/4 P:I A AG P:A |:F2 DF AF|G2 EG BG|AD FA de| fd Ad FA |GF Gg ed|1 c3 A Ac|ed ce dB| A2 AB AG :|2 c3 B BA|ag fg Bc|| P:B d3 A AG P:C |:dA de fg|af df Ad|FA df (3agf|g2 e3 e| e4 ef|g2 e2 c2|A2 c2 e2|b2 a3 g| f2 fe fg|af df Ad|FA df (3agf|g2 e3 e| e4 ef|1 g2 e2 d2 |c2 B2 (3ABc |ag fg Bc:|2 g2 e2 d2|c2 B2 (3ABc|dB AG FE|| P:D D2 A3 G| P:E D6| X:56 T:Gigue de Terrebonne R:reel quebecois C:Alfred Montmarquette M:C| L:1/16 Q:1/4=100 P:ABAC K:D P:A d2cd BAFA d2cd e2(3ABc|d2cd BAFA GBAG FDDA| d2cd BAFA d2cd e2(3ABc|1d2cd BAFA GBAG FDDA :|2d2cd BAFA GABc d2(3Ade|| |:f2fa gfed fefd Bcde|fefa gfed cdeg fdde| fefa gfed fefd Bcde| |1fefa gfed cABc d2(3Ade:| |2fefa gfed cABc|| P:B d2A2|| P:C d4|| X:57 T:Reel des Esquimaux C:Isidore Soucy I:Trad Québecois Q:1/4=122 M:4/4 L:1/8 P:IABAC K:G P:I (3D/E/F/ P:A |:G/F/G/A/ G/E/D/C/ B,/G,/A,/C/ B,/G,/G,/G,/ | B,/D/G/B/ c/B/A/G/ F/G/A/B/ A(3D/E/F/|G/F/G/A/ G/E/D/C/ B,/G,/A,/C/ B,/G,/G,/G,/ | |1 B,/D/G/B/ c/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/ G(3D/E/F/ :|2 B,/D/G/B/ c/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/ G/A/B/c/:| d3/2e/ d/c/B/d/ g3/2a/ g/e/d/c/ |B/G/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ F/G/A/B/ AB/c/ | d3/2e/ d/c/B/d/ g/f/g/a/ g/e/d/c/ |1B/G/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/ G/A/B/c/ :| P:B |2B/G/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/ G/D/E/F/ | P:C B/G/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ F/D/E/F/ G/G3/2| X:58 T:Reel de Gaspe C:Trad. Quebecois I:Violon,accordeon,harmonica Q:1/4=193 M:C| L:1/8 K:D "D"f2 ef e2 dB |AF A2 B2 A2 |"A7"g2 fg fecA |1BABc ~B2 A2 :|2 "A7"B2 c2 "D"d4 ::"A7"e2 f2 g2 fe |"D"f2 g2 a4 |"A7"e2 f2 gecA |1 "(G)"BABc "A7"~B2 A2 :|2"A7"B2 c2 "D"d4 :| X:59 T:Clog de Pariseau C: Pariseau? I:Quebecois Q:1/4=204 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G E2 FG EF FG |EE GA B4 |ef gf e3/4f/e3/4 B2 |ef gf e3/4f/e3/4 B2 | E2 FG EF FG |EE GE B4 |ef gf e3/4f/e3/4 B2 |e2 B2 e4 :|| d2 ed BG GG |gGGg f2 e2 |DE FG AB cd |ec ed BG GG | dd ed BG G2 |gGGg fe ee |DE FG AB cA |Gg dB G4 :|| X:60 T:Reel O:Québec R:reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D de | fd ec dA FA | GA BG E2 ed | c2 B2 Ac ec | de fd A2 de | fd ec dA FA | GA BG E2 ed | c2 B2 Ac ec | df ec d2 :: AG | FA DA FA DF | G2 FG BB AG | F2 DA FF DF | E2 CE GE CE | FA DA FA DF | G2 FG BB AG | Fc ef ge ce | df ec d2 :| X:61 T:Reel de la Malbaie O:Québec R:reel Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D DF Ad fd fd | cd ec df dA | FA FA GB GB | FA FA EA EA | DF Ad fd fd | cd ec df dA | FA FA GB GB | Ac ec d4 :| |: Ac ef ge ce | de fg aa fd | Ac ef gf gb | af ge fa fd | Ac ef ge ce | de fg af ge | fd ec dB AG | FA Bc d4 :| X:62 T:Reel du Cultivateur R:reel O:Québec Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 K:Bm A Bc | d2 A2 FA df | e2 c2 Ac eg | ff df ee ce | de fd AA Bc | d2 A2 FA df | e2 c2 Ac eg | ff df ee ce | df ec d :: B AG | Fd AF dA FA | Gd BG dB GB | Ae cA ec Ac | df ed cB AG | Fd AF dA FA | Gd BG dB GB | Ae cA ec Ac | df ec d :| X:63 T:Reel de Bellechasse R:reel o:Québec Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D A Bc | d2 fd cd ec | de fd A2 dc | BB gf ed cB | Aa aA aA Bc | d2 fd cd ec | de fd A2 dc | BB gf ed cB | Af ec d :: Ad | [f2F2] fg fe dc | Bg gB gg Ac | ed ef ed cB | Aa aA a2 AB | [f2F2] fg fe dc | Bg gB gg AB | ed ef ed cB | Af ec d :| X:64 T:Reel de Sherbrooke O:Québec R:reel Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D Ad | f2 fg fe dB | A2 FA DF Ad | B2 GB DG Bd | AA FA DF Ad | fd fg fe dB | A2 FA DF Ad | BG Bd cA ce | df ec d2 :| ag | ff df Ad fd | a2 gf ga gf | ee ce Ac eg | bb Bb aa ag | ff df Ad fd | a2 gf ga gf | ee ce Ac eg | fd ec d2 :| X:65 T:Reel St Jean O:Québec R:reel Q:1/4=200 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D fe | dB BB FB dB | fB df Bf ed | cA AA EA cA | eA ce Af fe | dB BB FB dB | fB df Bd cB | AB cd eA fe | d2 c2 B2 :| A2 | dd de de fg | aa ab af ed | d'd' d'b af de | fd ef ec ba | dd de de fg | aa ab af ed | d'd' d'b af de | fd ec d2 :| X:66 T:Reel O:Québec R:reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D G GG | gG GG fG GG | eG GG dB AG | FF AF DF AF |GA Bc dG GG| gG GG fG GG | eG GG dB AG | FF AF DF AF|1 GB AF G :| [2GB AF G2 |: AG | FA dA B2 Ad | fd ad fa df | ed ce ae ce | de fd B2 AG | FA dA B2 Ad | fd ad fa df | ed ce ae ce |1 df ec d2 :|2 df ec d | X:67 T:St Hubert 1997 C:Richard Forest O:Québec Q:1/4=210 R:reel M:C| L:1/8 K:B Minor (3BcB GB cABc | dcde fdef | gbge fdBd | cffg fedc | (3BcB GB cABc | dcde fdef | gbge fdBd | [1cfec fedc :|2cfec fede |: ffdf afde | efed (3BcB AB | ceAc eAce | dedc (3BcB AF | GBAG (3BcB AG | FAde f2 (3fff | efga gfed |1cABc (3dcB Ad :|2cABc d2 c2 |] X:68 T:Reel de Montebello C:Richard Forest O:Québec Q:1/4=210 R:reel M:C| L:1/8 K:A Minor |: EABc ecBA | FABc ecBA | GABc dBGB | edBA G(E/F/) ED | EABc ecBA | FABc AcBA | GABc dBGE | [1EDEG A3 A :| [2EDEG A2 ce |: aece gecA | GABc dcBd | gddf ddgd | edef (3efe ce | aece gecA | GABc dcBd | gedg edBd | [1cBcd cAce :|2 cBcd cBAG || E8 || X:69 T:Reel de la Petite Côte C:Richard Forest O:Québec Q:1/4=210 R:reel M:C| L:1/8 K:G (3ABc || ddfe dcAF | GGBd g2 z c |: dd^cd edcd | B3 A BdBA | GGFG AGFG | D2 D^C DED=C | B,G,B,D GBAG | F3 F FGFE | DFAd cAFA | [1GBde dcBc :| [2GGBd g2 z2 :| |: (3cdc Bc d2 (3cdc | (3cdc GB DGBG | AAFA DFAF | GABc dcBd | (3cdc Bc d2 (3cdc | (3cdc GB DGBG | AAFA DFAF | GBAF G2 z2 :| |: BdBG DGBG | (3E=FE _E2 D3 G | FGAB cAFA | GABc dgcg | BdBG DGBG | (3E=FE _E2 D3 G | FGAB cAFA | GBAF G2 z2 :| X:70 T:Le vieillard et la vieille dame C:Trad O: Québec Q:1/4=120 R:reel M:2/4 L:1/16 K:D FG |:ABAF DFAF |GFGB E2ed |cdcB ABcA |dedB A2FG |ABAF DFAF |GFGB E2ed |cdcB ABcA |dfec d2FG ::AddA d2cB |AccA c2BA |GBBG B2AG |FGAB F2FG |AddA d2cB |AccA c2BA |GBBG B2AG |Acec d2FG :| X: 71 T:Set de la Baie St Paul M:4/4 Q:1/4=120 L:1/16 K:D f3ff2e2|d6cd|e2d2c2d2|B8|e3ee2d2|c6ef|g2e2dcBc|1d2c2B2A2:|2d6FG||ABAFD2 FG|ABAFD2FG|A2d2c2d2|E6EF|GFED CDEF|GFED CDEF|G2B2A2C2|1D6FG:|2D8| X:72 T:Saint-Sauveur C:Trad O/Québec Q:1/4=120 R:reel M:2/4 L:1/16 K:D FG |: A2AA ABcd | A2 (3AAA ABcd | F3G FEDE | FDEF E2FG | A2AA ABcd | A2(3AAA ABcd | efed cABc | [1dfec d2FG :|2dfec dABc |: d2fd adfd | adfd cABc | d2fd adfd |1efed cABc :|2efed c2A2 |: fgfe dedB | ABAG FAGF | EAAA cAeA | cABc (3BcB A2 | fgfe dedB | ABAG FAGF | EAcA eABc |1dfec d4 :|2dfec d2FG ||
Recueils papier (tunebooks) :
"Quebec pure laine", en CD ou sur cassette, plus de 40 mn de reels enchaînés, avec son livret les transcrivant en notation standard, "Danse ce soir" et "La Grande Ronde", aussi très complets (histoire, instruments..). Il en existe d'autres, comme "Hommage à Joseph Allard" par exemple. On peut les trouver ici : "Quebec pure laine" is an excellent quebecois tunes collection, either on CD or cassette, with more than 40 mn of reels and a booklet with their transcription in standard notation, "Danse ce soir" and "La Grande Ronde" are also both nearly exhaustive (history, instruments). There are others, like "Hommage à Joseph Allard" for instance. They can be found here :
"Quebec pure laine" is an excellent quebecois tunes collection, either on CD or cassette, with more than 40 mn of reels and a booklet with their transcription in standard notation, "Danse ce soir" and "La Grande Ronde" are also both nearly exhaustive (history, instruments). There are others, like "Hommage à Joseph Allard" for instance. They can be found here :
Collections numériques :
Cap Breton
Le Cap breton est une partie de la Nouvelle Ecosse, au N-E du Canada, peuplée majoritairement d'immigrants d'origine écossaise. Les liens de leur musique avec celle du pays d'origine sont évidents. La session est une pratique peu commune, la formation type étant un ou deux fiddles (violons) seuls, avec ou sans l'accompagnement d'un piano. Voici toutefois une liste de titres communément joués donnés sur la liste CB-Music par Kate Dunlay & David Greenberg (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada ), classés par tonalité. Cape breton is a region of Nova Scotia, N-E Canada, populated by a majority of immigrants of Scots ancestry. The relation between their music and their home country's is obvious. Sessionning is not a common practice, the typical formation being one or two fiddles with or without piano or guitar backing. However, here is a list of frequently played tunes given on the C-B music mailing list by Kate Dunlay & David Greenberg (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada ), sorted by key.
Le Cap breton est une partie de la Nouvelle Ecosse, au N-E du Canada, peuplée majoritairement d'immigrants d'origine écossaise. Les liens de leur musique avec celle du pays d'origine sont évidents. La session est une pratique peu commune, la formation type étant un ou deux fiddles (violons) seuls, avec ou sans l'accompagnement d'un piano. Voici toutefois une liste de titres communément joués donnés sur la liste CB-Music par Kate Dunlay & David Greenberg (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada ), classés par tonalité.
Cape breton is a region of Nova Scotia, N-E Canada, populated by a majority of immigrants of Scots ancestry. The relation between their music and their home country's is obvious. Sessionning is not a common practice, the typical formation being one or two fiddles with or without piano or guitar backing. However, here is a list of frequently played tunes given on the C-B music mailing list by Kate Dunlay & David Greenberg (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada ), sorted by key.
On A (en la) :
King George IV strathspey, The Old King's Reel, The King's Reel, The High Road to Linton reel, The Miller of Drone strathspey, Miss Lyall Strathspey, Miss Lyall Reel, Devil in the Kitchen strathspey, Calum Breugach strathspey, Captain Campbell strathspey, Lime Hill strathspey [by Dan R. MacDonald], The Red Shoes reel [by Dan R. MacDonald], Memories of Paddy LeBlanc march [by Donald Angus Beaton], Trip to Mabou Ridge march [by Dan Hugh MacEachern],Calum Crubach strathspey (Miss Drummond of Perth), Muilean Dubh reel (The Black Mill), Cutting Ferns strathspey, Brenda Stubbert's Reel [by Jerry Holland], Dusky Meadow strathspey [by Donald MacLellan], Sandy Cameron reel, The Bell Piano strathspey [by Dan Hugh MacEachern], Sandy MacIntyre's Trip to Boston [by John Campbell], Elizabeth's Big Coat reel, Miss Wedderburn reel, The Wedding Reels : (John of Badenyon, Hamish the Carpenter, Put Me in the Big Chest), I Lost My Love jig, I Won't Do the Work jig, There Came a Young Man jig, The Hills of Glenorchie jig,1st jig in the Judique Jig Medley, Lady Nelly Wemyss jig, The River Bend jig [by Dan R. MacDonald],Stan Chapman's jig [by Jerry Holland]
On G (en sol) :
The Duke of Gordon's Birthday strathspey [by William Marshall], Lord MacDonald's Reel, Sheehan's Reel, West Mabou Reel, Don Side strathspey, Lady Georgina Campbell reel, Paddy on the Turnpike reel, Paresis reel, Whiskey Jig, Maggie Brown's Favourite jig [by Nathaniel Gow], Johnny M'Gill/Come Under My Plaidie jig, Fraser's Jig [by Dan Hugh MacEachern]
On E (en mi) :
Warlock's Strathspey, Bog an Lochan strathspey (Athole Cummers), The Nine Pint Coggie reel, Cameron Chisholm's Strathspey [by Maybelle Chisholm], Johnnie Wilmot's Fiddle [by Elmer Briand], Malcolm Finlay reel
On D (en ré) :
Miss Jessie Smith strathspey, Angus Allan and Dan J's Strathspey, The Sow's Tail strathspey, Athole Brose strathspey, General Stewart reel, The Lasses of Stewarton reel, Jenny Dang the Weaver reel, Sir David Davidson of Cantray reel, Crossing the Minch hornpipe [by P.M. Donald Shaw Ramsay], The Mucking of Geordie's Byre jig, The Chorus jig, The Sailor's Wife jig
On Bm (en sim)
Sleepy Maggie reel
On C (en do) :
Rothiemurcus Rant strathspey, The Bonny Lass of Fisherrow reel, The Bird's Nest reel, The Haggis reel
Popular in recent years (récemment populaires) :
Regina Stubbert's Jig [by Brenda Stubbert], Cape Breton Welcome to Shetland reel [by Willie Hunter], Heather Hill reel [by Dan R. MacDonald], Hughie Shortie's Reel [by Johnnie Wilmot], Anne MacQuarrie's Reel [by Donald Angus Beaton], Stella's Trip to Kamloops march [by Pat Chafe], The Way to Mull River [by John Morris Rankin], Iggy and Squiggie reel [by Jerry Holland], Molly Rankin's Reel [by John Morris Rankin], Rannie MacLellan reel [by Brenda Stubbert], Jack Daniel's Reel [by John Morris Rankin], Andy Renwick's Ferret reel [by ?], The Mortgage Burn [by Gordon MacLean], Francis Xavier Kennedy MacDonald jig [by David Greenberg]
Des adresses où trouver ces mélodies, ainsi que des références de recueils sur papier (digital tunes collections, tunebooks) :
Au Nord Est de l'Angleterre, sur la frontière avec l'Ecosse, le Northumberland a sa musique et sa cornemuse, le Northumberland Small Pipe. En plus des rythmes classiques (reels, hornpipes..) existent les "rants".
Musette is an urban music born at the beginning of 20th century from the encounter of Auvergnat and Italian immigrant musicians in Paris ballrooms. Its symbols are the French chromatic button accordion and the minor waltz. "Musette swing" is a style of Jazz.
%These tunes are exemples of Musette waltzes suitable for C#/D accordions. %There ARE rights for public performance. %For more background information on Musette you may get the following CDs: %Accordeon musette/swing/Paris 1913-1941 Vol.1 DH002 CD Fremaux & associes %Accordeon musette/swing/Paris 1925-1942 Vol.2 FA005 CD Fremaux & associes %from : %(Just type in the CD name. You can hear extracts of most of the tunes.) X:1 T:Germaine (Valse Musette) C:J.Colombo A:France WW2 I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=150 %Tempo M:3/4 %Meter P:IABACA K:G P:I "Em"[b6g6e6B6]-|[b6g6e6B6] |"Am"z e f^g ab |c'e' be' ae' |\ "Em"be' ae' ge' |"F#7"g_b fb eb |"B"_ef eB F_E |B,B, ^C^D EF || P:A "Em"G6 |"B7"A4 A_B |"Em"B6 |"E7"z E F^G AB |\ "Am"c6 |"E7"d4 d_e |"Am"e6 |z e fg fe | "B"_e6 |"B7"c4 dc |"Em"B6 |z E FG FE |\ "F#7"F6 |z ^c ^de _ec |"B7"f4 (3_efe |BB, ^C^D EF | "Em"G6 |"B7"A4 A_B |"Em"B6 |"E7"z E F^G AB |\ "Am"c6 |"E7"d4 d_e |"Am"e6 |z e fg fe | "B"_e6 |"B7"c4 dc |B6 |"Em"z E FG FE |\ [G6E6_B,6] |"B7"[F6_E6A,6] |"Em"[E6B,6G,6]-|[E2B,2G,2] || P:B FGAB |:"D7"c^GABcG |ABcdef |"G"gabfga |bfaegd |"D7"fcdefc | defbgf |"G"ed^cdBG |agfgdB |"D7"c^GABcG |ABcdef |"G"gabfga | bfaegd |"D7"fcdefc |defagf |"G"gbdgBd |1G2 FGAB :|2GB, ^C^D EF || P:C "G"z D EF GA |[B2D2] z2 [B2D2] |"G7dim"z2 [_B2^C2] [_B3/2C3/2][_B/C/] |\ "G"[B6D6] |z D EF GA |B3 c d2 |"E7"d^d e3 B |"Am"c6 |z E F^G AB | [c2E2] z2 [c2E2] |"D7dim"z2 [B2=F2] [B3/2F3/2][B/F/] |"Am"[c6E6] |\ z E F^G AB |c3 d e2 |"F#7"êe f3 ^c |"G"d4 [^c2G2^C2] |"D7"[cGC]D EF GA | "G"[B2D2] z2 [B2D2] |"G7dim"z2 [^A2^C2] [^A3/2C3/2][^A/C/] |\ "G"[B6D6] |z D EF GA |B3 c d2 |"E7"de =f3 f |"Am"e6 |e6 |e6 | "C#7dim"g6 |"G"d6 |z2 D3 ^D |"A7"[E6^C6] |\ (3"D7"FGF D2 B2 |"G"[G6B,6] |[GB,]B, ^C^D EF || X:2 C:J.Colombo et T.Murena T:Indifference (Valse musette) A:France WW2 I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=200 M:3/4 P:IABACA K:G P:I z B eg bd' |(3"Em"c'd'c'b4 |z B eg bd' |(3"B7"c'd'c' b4 | z B ^df ab |(3c'd'c' c'2 (3e'f'e' |^d'2 (3c'=d'c' b2 |b6-|bB eg bd' || P:A (3"Em"c'd'c' b4 |bB eg bd' |(3c'd'c' b4 |\ z B eg bd' |c'b êd fe |gf ag fe |(3"B7"efêd4 | z2 ag fe |f3 êde |^d3 c Bc |B6 |\ z2 ag fe |fe ^de ^dc |Bc BA GF |(3"Em"FGF E4 | EB eg bd' |(3c'd'c' b4 |z B eg bd' |(3c'd'c' b4 |\ z B eg be' |"E7"=f'e' d'c' ba |^ga bc' d'e' |(3"Am"d'e'd' c'4 | c'2 a2 b2 |c'e' ac' f2 |z a bc' ba |"Em"be' gb e2 |\ z e fg fe |"F#9dm"g6 |(3"B7"fgf e2 ^d2 |"Em"e6 || P:B z"Em" G FE|"B7"^DF Ac B^A |B^d fc' b^a |"Em"be' gb eg |\ Be gb ag |"B7"ac' fa ^df |B^d fa gf | "Em"eg Be GB |E3 G FE |"B7"^DF Ac B^A |\ B^d fc' b^a |"Em"be' gb eg |Be gb ag | "B7"ac' fa ^df |\ B^d fa gf |1"Em"e2 ^de gb |e'2:|2 "Em"e6 |eB eg bd'|| P:C "Em"e2 e2 _e2 |"G"d6 |b4 b2 |"B7"b6 |^d6 |"E7"e2 ^g2 b2 |e'4 e'2|"Am"e'6 |\ a6 |"D7"d'6 |a2 b2 c'2 |"G"b6 |g6 | "F#7"f4 f2 |f2 g2 f2 |"B"f6 |\ "D7"ff e2 _e2 |"G"d6 |b4 b2 |"B7"b6 |^d6 |"E7"e2 ^g2 b2 |e'4 e'2 |"Am"=f'6 | e'6 |"Am"e4 e2 |"C#m dim" g2 |"G"g6 |\ "E7"d2 c2 B2 |"A7"B6 |"D7"A4 B2 |"G"G6 |GB eg bd' |] X:3 T:Volupta (valse musette) C:V. Marceau I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=200 M:3/4 P:IABACA K:C P:I E2 ||"Am"c6 |(3cdc B2 A2 |"E7"B2 z E E2 |E2 z2 E2 || P:A "Am"c6 |B4 A2 |E6 |E2 C2 D2 |E6 |C4 D2 |"E7"B,6 |\ B,6 |D6 |B4 A2 |^G6 |^G2 z2 z2 |E2 F2 E2 |(3DED C2 B,2 | "Am"A,6 |A,2 A,C EA |c6 |B4 A2 |E6 |\ E6 |"A7"[E6^C6] |G4 A2 |G6 | "Dm"F6 |D6 |F4 A2 |"Am"E6 |\ (3cdc B2 A2 |"E7"E6 |B2 c2 B2 |"Am"A6 |A2 z2 z2 | P:B |:"G7"G3 A B2 |(3BcB A2 G2 |"C"c3 d e2 |\ (3efe d2 c2 |"G7"B3 c d2 |(3fgf e2 d2 |"C"cBdcBA |G2 A2 ^G2 | "G7"G3 A B2 |(3BcB A2 G2 |"C"c3 d e2 |\ (3efe d2 c2 |"G7"B3 A G2 |(3FGF E2 D2 |"C"C6 |1C2 A2 ^G2 :|2C2 z2 E2 || P:C K:F |:"F"FG AF GA |[d3A3F3] [dAF] [d2A2F2] |FG AF GA |"C"[c3B3E3] [cBE] [c2B2E2] | GABGAB |[e3B3G3] [eBG] [e2B2G2] |[d3G3E3] [dGE] [d2G2E2] | "F"[c3A3F3] [cAF] [c2A2F2] |FGA FGA|[d3F3A3] [dFA] [d2F2A2] |\ FGA FGA|"Gm"[d3B3G3] [dBG] [d2B2G2] | "Fdim"d^c df ed |"F"c3 [cAF] [c2A2F2] |\ "C7"cd cB AG |1"F"F2 d2 c2 :|2"F"F2 z2 E2|| X:4 T:Volupta (valse musette) - in D C:V. Marceau I: Rights for public performance Q:1/4=200 M:3/4 P:IABACA K:D %Transposed from C P:I F2 ||"Bm"d6 |(3ded c2 B2 |"F#7"c2 z F F2 |F2 z2 F2 || P:A "Bm"d6 |c4 B2 |F6 |F2 D2 E2 |F6 |D4 E2 |"F#7"C6 |\ C6 |E6 |c4 B2 |^A6 |^A2 z2 z2 |F2 G2 F2 |(3EFE D2 C2 | "Bm"B,6 |B,2 B,D FB |d6 |c4 B2 |F6 |\ F6 |"B7"[F6^D6] |A4 B2 |A6 | "Em"G6 |E6 |G4 B2 |"Bm"F6 |\ (3ded c2 B2 |"F#7"F6 |c2 d2 c2 |"Bm"B6 |B2 z2 z2 | P:B |:"A7"A3 B c2 |(3cdc B2 A2 |"D"d3 e f2 |\ (3fgf e2 d2 |"A7"c3 d e2 |(3gag f2 e2 |"D"dcedcB |A2 B2 ^A2 | "A7"A3 B c2 |(3cdc B2 A2 |"D"d3 e f2 |\ (3fgf e2 d2 |"A7"c3 B A2 |(3GAG F2 E2 |"D"D6 |1D2 B2 ^A2 :|2D2 z2 F2 || P:C K:G |:"G"GA BG AB |[e3B3G3] [eBG] [e2B2G2] |GA BG AB |"D"[d3c3F3] [dcF] [d2c2F2] | ABcABc |[f3c3A3] [fcA] [f2c2A2] |[e3A3F3] [eAF] [e2A2F2] | "G"[d3B3G3] [dBG] [d2B2G2] |GAB GAB|[e3G3B3] [eGB] [e2G2B2] |\ GAB GAB|"Am"[e3c3A3] [ecA] [e2c2A2] | "Gdim"e^d eg fe |"G"d3 [dBG] [d2B2G2] |\ "D7"de dc BA |1"G"G2 e2 d2 :|2"G"G2 z2 F2|| X:5 T:Frissonnante Musette (Valse Musette) C:A. Boccoz A:France I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=180 M:3/4 P:IADBACA K:G P:I zD EF ED| P:A "G"B3 d BG |F3 d BG |E6 |\ z D EF ED |BB ^AB dB |AG FG AB |"Am"[c6A6E6] | "E7"z E F^G AB |"Am"c3 e cA |G3 e cG |"D7"F6 |\ z D ED ^CD |A3 F ED |^A3 F ED |"(G)"B6 | z D EF ED |"G"B3 d BG |F3 d BG |E6 |\ z D EF ED |BB ^AB dB |"G7"AG FG AB |"C"A6 | z E ^DE FG |A3 G FG |"Cm"^A3 G FG |"G"B6 |\ z D EF ED |"A7"[E6^C6] |"D7"[F6C6] |"(G)"[G6D6B,6] || P:D [G2D2B,2] z F G^G | P:B K:D |:"A7"AG EG EG |AG EG EG |\ "D"AF DF DF |A2 z F Ad |"A7"cd cd cd |Bc Bc Bc | "D"A6-|A6 |"A7"AG EG EG |AG EG EG |\ "D"AF DF DF |A2 z F Ad | "A7"cd Bc AB |GA FG EF |\ D6 |1z F GA GF :|2z D EF ED|| P:C K:C "G"[G6D6B,6] |[G2D2B,2] ^F2 =F2 |"C"[E4C4] [G2E2] |\ [A4E4] [c2E2] |"G7"[B6F6] |[B2F2] A2 G2 |[F4B,4] [G2B,2] |\ [B4F4] [d2F2] |"C"[c6E6] |[c2E2] d2 e2 | B2 c2 d2 |"Cm"A2 B2 c2 |"G7"F6 |\ F2 D2 E2 |F2 G2 A2 |B2 c2 B2 |"C"A4 E2 |\ G6 |[E4C4] [G2E2] |[A4E4] [c2E2] |"G7"[B6F6] |[B2F2] A2 G2 | "E7"F4 E2 |B4 d2 |"Am"[c6A6E6] |\ z2 B2 c2 |"F"A4 c2 |"Fm"_A4 c2 |G6 |\ "C"[E2C2] [F2D2] [G2E2] |"D7"[A6^F6] |\ "G7"[B6F6] |"(C)"[c6E6] |z "(G)"D E^F ED |] X:6 T:Espoirs perdus (valse musette) C:A. Morelli H:c WW2 I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=180 M:3/4 P:IABCDABC K:F P:I "Dm"z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |\ z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [F2D2A,2] A,2| P:A |:A6 |B4 A2 |F4 E2 |D4 DE |GF ED CB, |"D7"A,G, B,A, CB, |\ "Gm"G,6 |[D2B,2G,2] G,B, DG |B6 |e4 d2 | ^c6 |[g4^c4A4] ef |\ g2 e2 ^c2 |B2 G2 E2 |"Dm"ED FE DF |"A7"[A4^C4] [A2A,2] | "Dm"[a6A6] |[b4B4] [a2A2] |[f4F4] (3efe |d4 de |\ gf ed cB |"D7"AG BA cB |"Gm"G6 |G2 z2 g2 |\ gf ef ga |gf eg fe | "Dm"fe de fg |ag fe dc |\ BA ^cA eA |"A7"BA ^cA eA |"Dm"[d2A2F2] z [dAF] [d2A2F2] |\ [1[d2A2F2] z2 A,2 :|[2 [d2A2F2] z2 c2|| P:B |:(3"F"cdc =B2 c2 |a4 g2 |\ (3"C7"fgf e2 G2 |[B6E6] |(3fgf e2 G2 |[B6E6] |\ (3"F"ded c2 F2 |[A6F6] |(3cdc =B2 c2 |"D7"b4 a2 | "G7dim"^c6 |"Gm"d6 |"C7"c2 [b2B2] [g2B2] |[e2B2] [cB] z z [EB,] |\ "F"[F6A,6] |1[F2A,2] z2 c2 :|2[F2A,2] z2 z2|| P:C |:"Dm"A,2 D2 F2 |\ A2 d2 e2 |f6 |f2 e2 d2 |c2 B2 A2 |\ G2 F2 D2 |"A7"[E6^C6] |[E2C2] z2 z2 |A,2 ^C2 E2 | A2 ^c2 e2 |g6 |g2 f2 e2 |d2 ^c2 B2 |\ A2 E2 G2 |"Dm"[F6D6] |[F2D2] z2 z2 |A,2 D2 F2 | A2 d2 e2 |f6 |f2 z2 z2 |"D7"[d6c6^F6] |\ [_e4c4^F4] [d2c2F2] |"Gm"[g6B6G6] |[g6B6G6] |G,B, DG ^FG | G,B, DG ^FG |DF Ad ^cd |"Dm"DF Ad ^cd |"A7"A^c ea ^ga |\ A^c ea ^ga |"Dm"DF Ad fa |[d'2a2f2d2] z2 z2|| P:D |:"F"[c6A6F6] |[d6A6F6] |"C7"[B6G6E6] |[B2G2E2] z2 z2 |[d6B6G6] |\ [e6B6G6] |"F"[c6A6F6] |[c2A2F2] [A2F2] [B2G2] |[=B2^G2] [c2A2] [d2_B2] | [c2A2] [A2F2] [c2A2] |"C7"[B6G6E6] |[B2G2E2] [G2E2] [c2E2] |[B6E6] |\ "C7"[B2E2] [G2E2] [d2B2] |"F"[c6A6] |[c4A4] z2 |[c6A6F6] | [d6A6F6] |"C7"[B6G6E6] |[B2G2E2] z2 z2 |[d6B6G6] |\ [e6B6G6] |"F"[c6A6F6] |[c2A2F2] [A2F2] [B2G2] |[=B2^G2] [c2A2] [d2_B2] | [c2A2] [A2F2] [c2A2] |"C7"[B6G6E6] |[B2G2E2] [G2E2] [c2E2] |[B6E6] |\ [B2E2] G2 E2 |"F"[F6A,6] |1[F2A,2] FG AB :|2[F2A,2] z2 A,2 |] X:7 T:Swing valse (Valse Musette) C:Gus Viseur et Pierre Ferret A:France WW2 I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=150 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:F AcA |"F"E2 FA cd |e2 dc AF |E2 DCA,F, |\ E,2 z AcA |E2 FAcd |e2 dcAF |"C7"c6 |c2 z BdB | "A7"AG _A=A ^ce |a_a g^f =fe |"C7"[g4^c4B4] (3efe |\ "D"de fg af |"G7"[e3=B3F3] [dBF] [d2B2F2] |z e _e=e ge |\ "C"[d2B2G2] "D"[d2B2G2] "Db"[_e2B2G2] |\ "C"[e2B2G2] z A cA | "F"E2 FA cd |e2 dcAF |E2 DCA,F, |E,2 z A cA |\ "F"GF Ac _ef |"F7"gf_ecAF |"Bb"d6 |"A"d6 | "G"GA Bc ^cf |"Db"[a2e2B2] [_a2d2B2] [aeB]a |"C"^f=f _eg Ac |\ "Db"_e6 |"C7"d^c =c=B _BA |AG ^FG cE |"F"F6 || FA GF ED |"A7"^C6 |"Db"B^c eg "A7"ac |"D"e2 (3efe d2 |\ z dcBAG |"D7"^F6 |z D^FAcF |"G"A2 (3ABA G2 | G2 z2 z2 |z "Bb"g ^f=f e_e |"G"d^c =cc dc |"D"[e3A3F3] d A2 |\ z A _A=A c=B |"Bb"B6 |_A6 | "A"[A6E6^C6] |[AE^C]A, CE GA |\ "Db7"BE ^cG eB |g^c be c'g |"D"e'2 (3d'e'd' ag |d2 (3ded ^cd | "Eb7"_e^f gb "C"c'e' |"Eb7"g'd' f'_e' (3bge |\ "D"[d3A3F3] [dAF] [d2A2F2] |\ z2 (3ABA _A=A |"G"GB [e2B2G2] z2 |"E"z d "G"^cd BG |"D"FG [e2A2F2] z2 | "D"z2 d^c de |"B"f_A =Bd "Bb"fe |"A7"d^c eg "Db"ba |\ "D"[d2A2F2] z2 "Eb"[^c2B2G2] |"E"[c2B2G2] z4 |] X:8 T:Swing valse (Valse Musette) - in D C:Gus Viseur et Pierre Ferret A:France WW2 I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=150 %Tempo M:3/4 %Meter K:D %Transposed from F FAF |"D"C2 DF AB |c2 BA FD |C2 B,A,F,D, |\ C,2 z FAF |C2 DFAB |c2 BAFD |"A7"A6 |A2 z GBG | "F#7"FE =F^F ^Ac |f=f e^d =dc |"A7"[e4^A4G4] (3cdc |\ "B"Bc de fd |"E7"[c3^G3D3] [BGD] [B2G2D2] |z c =c^c ec |\ "A"[B2G2E2] "B"[B2G2E2] "Bb"[=c2G2E2] |\ "A"[c2G2E2] z F AF | "D"C2 DF AB |c2 BAFD |C2 B,A,F,D, |C,2 z F AF |\ "D"ED FA =cd |"D7"ed=cAFD |"G"B6 |"F#"B6 | "E"EF GA ^Ad |"Bb"[f2c2G2] [=f2B2G2] [fcG]f |"A"^d=d =ce FA |\ "Bb"=c6 |"A7"B^A =A^G =GF |FE ^DE AC |"D"D6 || DF ED CB, |"F#7"^A,6 |"Bb"G^A ce "F#7"fA |"B"c2 (3cdc B2 |\ z BAGFE |"B7"^D6 |z B,^DFAD |"E"F2 (3FGF E2 | E2 z2 z2 |z "G"e ^d=d c=c |"E"B^A =AA BA |"B"[c3F3D3] B F2 |\ z F =F^F A^G |"G"G6 |=F6 | "F#"[F6C6^A,6] |[FC^A,]F, A,C EF |\ "Bb7"GC ^AE cG |e^A gc ae |"B"c'2 (3bc'b fe |B2 (3BcB ^AB | "C7"=c^d eg "A"ac' |"C7"e'b d'=c' (3gec |\ "B"[B3F3D3] [BFD] [B2F2D2] |\ z2 (3FGF =F^F |"E"EG [c2G2E2] z2 |"C#"z B "E"^AB GE |"B"DE [c2F2D2] z2 | "B"z2 B^A Bc |"Ab"d=F ^GB "G"dc |"F#7"B^A ce "Bb"gf |\ "B"[B2F2D2] z2 "C"[^A2G2E2] |"C#"[A2G2E2] z |] X:9 T:Le denicheur (Valse musette) C:Leo Daniderff H:pre WW2 I:standard musette waltz, from a song by Gibert & Leon Agel A:France I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=180 M:3/4 P:IABA K:D P:I zA ^GA Bc | P:A "D"d2 e2 c2 |B2 c2 z A |F6 |\ FA ^GA Bc |d2 e2 c2 |B2 c2 z A |"Em"G6 | G4 F2 |E2 F2 G2 |A2 B2 d2 |"A7"c6 |\ c2 e3 c |B4 A2 |A2 c3 B |"D"B6 | FF ^EF GA |d2 e2 c2 |B2 c2 z A |F6 |\ F2 z2 A2 |"B7"A2 A2 A2 |A2 B2 =c2 |"Em"=c2 B4 | B4 B2 |e2 d2 c2 |"E7"e2 d2 B2 |"D"A2 d2 g2 |\ f2 z2 A2 |"A7"A2 A2 A2 |A2 z2 FA |"D"d6 |d2 z2 [A2F2] || P:B |:"D"[A2F2] [A2F2] [A2F2] |[A2F2] [A2F2] z [^G^E] |"A7"[G6E6] |\ [G2E2] z2 [B2G2] |"Em"[B2G2] [B2G2] [B2G2] |"A7"[B2G2] [B2G2] z [_BG]|\ "D"[A6F6] | [A2F2] z2 A2 |[d2A2] [d2A2] [d2A2] |[e2A2] [d3A3] B |"A7"[c6A6]|\ |1 d2 c2 A2 |"Em"[B6G6] |\ "A7"c2 B2 F2 |"D"A6 | A2 z2 A2 :|2"A7"[c2A2] z2 c2 |"Bm"f2 e2 d2 |"E7"c2 d2 B2 |\ "A"A6 |A2 z2 A2 ||[e2c2] [e2c2] [e2c2] |"Em"[d2B2] [d2B2] z [dB] | "A"[c6A6] |[c4A4] [c2A2] |"Em"[B2G2] [B2G2] [B2G2] |"A7"[B2G2] [c2G2] z A |\ "D" [d6A6] |[dA]A ^GA Bc|| X:10 T:Mon amant de St Jean (Valse musette) C:Emile Carrara I: Musette standard, WW2, after a song, rights for public performance Q:1/4=150 M:3/4 K:Em z2 E2 F2 |"Em"G2 G2 G2 |G2 F2 E2 |G6 | G2 F2 G2 |"Am"A6 |A2 G2 F2 |"Em"GF E4 | E2 E2 F2 |G2 G2 G2 |G2 F2 E2 |"C"c6 | "D"A2 B2 c2 |"G"B4 A2 |"B7"G4 F2 |"Em"E6 | E2 z2 E2 ||"Em"B2 G2 E2 |B2 G2 E2 |B2 B4 | B4 B2 |"Am"c2 c2 c2 |"D"A2 B2 c2 |"G"B6 | B2 z2 E2 |"B"F2 F2 F2 |F4 F2 |"Em"G2 G2 G2 | G4 G2 |"C"G2 F2 G2 |"Am"A2 G2 A2 |"B7"B6 | B4 z2 |"Em"B6 |G2 F2 E2 |B6 | G2 F2 E2 |B2 ^A2 B2 |"C"e2 d2 c2 |"G"B6 | B4 z2 |"B7"A6 |F2 G2 A2 |"Em"G6 | E2 F2 G2 |"B7"F6 |^D2 G2 F2 |"Em"E6 ||] X:11 T:La marine C:G. Brassens I:From a poem by Paul Fort Q:1/4=160 M:3/4 K:Em %Transposed from Ab z2 E2 F2 ||"Em"G6 |E2 A2 G2 |"D"F6 | F2 G2 F2 |"C"E4 D2 |"Am"C4 "Bm"D2 |"Em"E6 | E2 E2 F2 |G6 |E2 A2 G2 |"D"F6 | F2 G2 F2 |"C"E4 D2 |"Am"C4 "Bm"D2 |"Em"E6 | E2 ^G2 A2 |"E7"B6 |^G2 A2 B2 |"Am"c4 A2 | A2 A2 B2 |c4 c2 |"D7"d4 c2 |"G"B6 | B2 G2 A2 |"Em"B6 |G2 c2 B2 |"Am"A6 | A6 |1"C7"G2 G2 G2 |G2 A2 G2 |"B9"F6 | "B7"F2 E2 F2 :|2"Cm"G2 A2 G2 |"B7"F2 G2 F2 |"Em"E2 z2 z2 || X:12 T:Mysterieuse (valse swing) C:Jo Privat I:Recorded by M. O'Connor. Rights for public performance Q:1/4=180 M:3/4 P:ABACAD K:G P:A "Em"(3fgf e4 |eB bg eB |"Edim"(3BcB (^A4 |^A)g e^c ^AG | "Am"(3GAG F4 |"B7"Fc BA ^DG |"Em"(3FGF E4 |E2 z ^deg | (3fgf eeee |efgbge |"D7"(3efe d2 (3cdc |"G"Bc dg dB | "F"(3BcB AG =FG |"B7"AF ^DE FG |"Em"E^D EF GB |ec/B/ AG FE | "B7"^DE FG AB |cB ^AB ^c^d |"Em"e^d ef ga |(3bc'b ^ab c'b | "Edim7"^ag f^c ^AG |EG ^A^c eg |"B7"f^d B^A =AG |F3 z (3^deg | "Em"(3fgf e4 |eB bg eB |"Edim7"(3BcB ^A4 |Ag e^c ^AG | "Am"(3GAG F2 (3efe |"B7"^dc BA GF | "Em"EG, B,E GB |e^ABc^c^d|| P:B |:"Em"eE GB e^d |"D7"dD FA dc |"G"BB, DG B_B | "F"AA, C=F A_A |"Em"GG, B,E G^E |"B7"FA, B,^D F^D |"Em"E^D EF GB | e^d ef gb |"Em"e'e gb e'^d' |"D7"d'd fa d'c' |"G"bB dg b_b | "F"aA c=f a_a |"Em"gG Be g=f |"B7"fA B^d f_e | "Em"(3efe ^de BG |[e2B2G2E2] z2 z2 :| P:C K:E e2 z2 z2|:"EM"[G6f4] c2 |"E7"[G6B4] G2 |"A"F4 E2 | "Am"F4 G2 |"E"[E6B,6G,6] |"A"[E6C6A,6] |"E"[E6B,6G,6] |1 [E4B,4G,4] B/c/d/f/ :|2"E"[E4B,4G,4] (3EF=F |"G#7"(3GAG =FG =cd |fa gf df | "C#m"(3efe d=d ce |GG ce g=g |"F#7"fe c_B F=F |Ee c_B F=F | "B7"ED FA c_B |[B4D4] B/c/d/f/ |"E"[G6e4] c2 |"E7"[E6B4] G2 | "A"F4 E2 |"Am"F4 G2 |"E"E2 E[FD] [GE][AF] | "B7"[BD]^AB^Bcd |"E"[e6G6] |[e'2b2g2e2G2] z2 z2 || P:D e2 z2 z2||] X:13 T:La Foule (valse musette) C:Angel Cabral I:Musette standard, originally a peruvian waltz, then a song by Edith Piaf I:Rights for public performance Q:1/4=176 M:3/4 P:IABCBD K:G P:I "Am"e e2 f f2 |e e2 f f2 |"Em"e e2 f f2 |e e2 f f2 | "B7"^d ^d2 f f2 |^d ^d2 f f2 |"Em"(e6 |e2) z2 BB || P:A "Em"e3 e ef |"C"g3 f e^d |"Am"e2 (c4 | c2) z2 ef |"D7"a3 g gf |a3 d dd |"G"(d6 | d2) z2 BB |"B7"^d3 ^d ^de |f3 f e^d |"Em"e2 (B4 | B2) z2 BB |"C"c3 c cc |e3 e fe |"B"(^d6 | ^d2) z2 BB |"Em"e3 e ef |"C"g3 f e^d |"Am"e2 (c4 | c2) z2 ef |"D7"a3 g gf |a3 d dd |"G"(d6 | d2) z2 BB |"B7"^d3 ^d ^de |f3 e e^d |"Em"e2 (e4 | e2) z2 ee |"C"c3 c cc |"B7"B3 B ^d^d |"Em"(e6 |e)d ed ^cd || P:B "D7"f3 e ed |f3 e ed |"G"g3 e ed |g3 e ed |"D7"f3 e ed |f3 e ed |B6 | z B cB ^AB |"B7"^d3 ^d ^de |f3 f e^d |"Em"e2 e4 | "Em"z B ee ee |"C9"ee ee ee |"F#7"e2 g3 g |"B"(f6 | f)d ed ^cd |"D7"f3 e ed |f3 e ed |"G"g3 e ed | g3 e ed |"D7"f3 e ed |f3 e ed |"G"B6 | z B cB ^AB |"B7"^d3 ^d ^de |f3 f e^d |"Em"e2 e4 | "Em"z B ee ee |"C"ee ee ee |"B7"^d2 g3 f || P:C "Em"e6 |z2 z2 BB |"Em"e3 e ef |"C"g3 f e^d |"Am"e2 (c4 | c2) z2 ef |"D7"a3 g gf |a3 d dd |"G"(d6 | d2) z2 BB |"B7"^d3 ^d ^de |f3 f e^d |"Em"e2 e4 | e2 z2 ee |"C7"c3 c cc |"B7"B3 B B^d |"Em"(e6 |e)d ed ^cd || P:D "Am"e e2 f f2 |e e2 f f2 |"Em"e e2 f f2 | e e2 f f2 |"B7"^d ^d2 f f2 |^d ^d2 f f2 |"Em"(3efg (3a_b=b (3c'd'^d' |e'2 z2 z2 ||] X:14 T:Le retour des hirondelles C:Robert Trognée, B. Pagano I:Valse musette 1935 Q:1/4=190 M:3/4 K:D %Transposed from C V:1 z6 |z6 |A^G Ac =c^c |e^d eg fg | b^a b=a gf |ed c4 |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [b2d2f2] |[f6d6b6] |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [g2c2b2] |[b6c6g6] |gf ga gf |e^d ef e=d | c4 [c2g2] |[g4c4] c3/4d/c3/4 |B4 [B2g2] |[g4B4] B3/4c/B3/4 | A4 [d2A2f2] |[f6A6d6] |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [f2d2b2] |[b6d6f6] |B^A B^d =d^d |f=f ^fa =c'b | a4 [e2B2g2] |[g6B6e6] |B^A Be ^de |gf ge ^de | A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fd cd |A^G Ac =c^c |[A4f4] [G2e2] | [d6F6] |z6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |^dA eA gA | fA dF BF |A6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |gA fA eA | d3/4c/d3/4 f3/4=f/^f3/4 a3/4^g/a3/4 |d'2 af ed |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |^dA eA gA | fA dF BF |A6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |gA fA eA | d3/4c/d3/4 f3/4=f/^f3/4 a3/4^g/a3/4 |d'2 af ed |b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ |^a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ | a/=c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ |[=c2a2] [B2^g2] [c2a2] |b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ |a/=c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ | g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ |[B2g2] [^A2f2] [B2g2] |a/B/a/B/ a/B/a/B/ a/B/a/B/ |g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ | f/A/f/A/ f/A/f/A/ f/A/f/A/ |e/G/e/G/ e/G/e/G/ e/G/e/G/ |d/F/d/F/ d/F/d/F/ d/F/d/F/ |e/=c/e/c/ e/c/e/c/ e/c/e/c/ | d/B/d/B/ d/B/d/B/ d/B/d/B/ |B3/4^A/B3/4 d3/4c/d3/4 g3/4f/g3/4 |b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ |^a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ | a/=c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ |[=c2a2] [B2^g2] [c2a2] |b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ |a/=c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ | g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ |[B2g2] [^A2f2] [B2g2] |a/B/a/B/ a/B/a/B/ a/B/a/B/ |g/=f/g/f/ g/f/g/f/ g/f/g/f/ | g/e/g/e/ g/e/g/e/ g/e/g/e/ |[^d2g2] [d2a2] [d2=c'2] |b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ b/d/b/d/ |a/=c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ a/c/a/c/ | g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ g/B/g/B/ |z d ef ga |b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 |^a3/4g/c3/4 a3/4g/c3/4 a3/4g/c3/4 | a3/4f/=c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 |a3/4f/=c3/4 ^g3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 |b3/4f/d3/4 b3/4f/d3/4 b3/4f/d3/4 |a3/4f/=c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 | g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 |g3/4d/B3/4 f3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 |a3/4d/B3/4 a3/4d/B3/4 a3/4d/B3/4 |g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 | f3/4=c/A3/4 f3/4c/A3/4 f3/4c/A3/4 |e3/4=c/G3/4 e3/4c/G3/4 e3/4c/G3/4 |d3/4=c/F3/4 d3/4c/F3/4 d3/4c/F3/4 |e3/4=c/F3/4 e3/4c/F3/4 e3/4c/F3/4 | d3/4B/G3/4 d3/4B/G3/4 d3/4B/G3/4 |B3/4G/D3/4 d3/4B/G3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 |b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 |^a3/4g/c3/4 a3/4g/c3/4 a3/4g/c3/4 | a3/4f/=c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 |a3/4f/=c3/4 ^g3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 |b3/4f/d3/4 b3/4f/d3/4 b3/4f/d3/4 |a3/4f/=c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 | g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 |g3/4d/B3/4 f3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 |a3/4d/B3/4 a3/4d/B3/4 a3/4d/B3/4 |g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4d/B3/4 g3/4e/=c3/4 | g3/4e/=c3/4 g3/4e/c3/4 g3/4e/c3/4 |g3/4^d/=c3/4 a3/4d/c3/4 c'3/4d/c3/4 |b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 |a3/4f/=c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 a3/4f/c3/4 | g3/4d/B3/4 b3/4g/d3/4 d'3/4b/g3/4 |[b6d'6g'6] |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [b2d2f2] |[f6d6b6] |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [g2c2b2] |[b6c6g6] |gf ga gf |e^d ef e=d | c4 [c2g2] |[g4c4] c3/4d/c3/4 |B4 [B2g2] |[g4B4] B3/4c/B3/4 | A4 [d2A2f2] |[f6A6d6] |A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fa ^ga | b4 [f2d2b2] |[b6d6f6] |B^A B^d =d^d |f=f ^fa =c'b | a4 [e2B2g2] |[g6B6e6] |B^A Be ^de |gf ge ^de | A^G Ad cd |f=f ^fd cd |A^G Ac =c^c |[A4f4] [G2e2] | [d6F6] |z6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |^dA eA gA | fA dF BF |A6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |gA fA eA | d3/4c/d3/4 f3/4=f/^f3/4 a3/4^g/a3/4 |d'2 af ed |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |^dA eA gA | fA dF BF |A6 |cA ^GA eA |^GA cA GA | dA ^GA fA |^GA dA GA |gA fA eA |gA fA eA | d3/4c/d3/4 f3/4=f/^f3/4 a3/4^g/a3/4 |[f6a6d'6] |] V:2 M:3/4 K:D z6 |z6 |z2 [G2E2C2] [G2C2E2] |z2 [G2E2C2] [C2G2E2] | [G6E6C6] |[G6E6C6] |z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [D2F2A,2] [F2D2A,2] | z2 [D2F2A,2] [D2F2A,2] |z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [D2F2A,2] [F2D2A,2] | z2 [E2G2C2] [C2E2G2] |z2 [G2C2E2] [G2E2C2] |z2 [G2C2E2] [E2G2C2] |z2 [C2G2E2] [G2E2C2] | z2 [C2G2E2] 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[D2F2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [E2G2C2] [E2G2C2] |z2 [E2C2G2] [E2G2C2] | z2 [D2A,2F2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [F2D2A,2] [F2D2A,2] |z2 [E2C2G2] [C2G2E2] |z2 [E2G2C2] [C2E2G2] | z2 [D2A,2F2] [D2F2A,2] |[A,6D6F6] |] V:3 M:3/4 K:D z6 |z6 |A,,,6 |A,,,6 | A,,,6 |A,,,2 B,,,2 C,,2 |D,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |D,,6 |A,,,6 | E,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | E,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,2 B,,,2 C,,2 |D,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |B,,,6 |F,,6 | E,,6 |B,,,6 |E,,6 |B,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |D,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,2 B,,,2 C,,2 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |A,,,6 |E,,6 |A,,,6 | D,,6 |D,,2 E,,2 F,,2 |G,,6 |E,,6 | D,,6 |A,,6 |D,,6 |A,,6 | G,,6 |D,,6 |G,,6 |D,,6 | A,,6 |D,,6 |A,,6 |D,,6 | G,,6 |D,,2 E,,2 F,,2 |G,,6 |E,,6 | D,,6 |A,,6 |D,,6 |B,,,6 | E,,6 |B,,,6 |G,,6 |=F,,6 | E,,6 |^D,,6 |D,,6 |A,,6 | G,,6 |G,,6 |G,,6 |E,,6 | D,,6 |A,,6 |D,,6 |A,,6 | G,,6 |D,,6 |G,,6 |D,,6 | 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Des références de recueils sur papier (Tunebooks) :
Musette Vol. 1, 2, 3 Editions Paul Beuscher Paris (des centaines de morceaux)
Musique créée dans les années 70 par de jeunes musiciens de groupes folkloriques du Centre (Cher, Indre, Allier, Nièvre) lassés des airs traditionnels (et on les comprend;-))
De très belles compositions...
This music originated in the 70s from young musicians playing for Centre France (Cher, Indre, Allier, Nièvre ) folk dancing associations understandably bored off the trad tunes.
Some beautiful compositions...
Une petite sélection d'airs à copier-coller :
X:1 T:Valse à Denis C:Trad Berry I:France Q:1/4=200 M:3/4 L:1/4 K:D |:A2 ^G |A2 B |A2 F |d3 | A2 ^G |A2 B |A2 F |G3 | G2 F |G2 A |G2 E |c3 | A ^G A |c B G |F3 |D2 z | A2 ^G |A2 B |A2 F |d3 | B G A |B2 f |(e3 |e2) z | d c e |d c B |A f3/2 d/ |A3 | B G A |B c e |d c/d/f/e/ |d2z :| A B/c/d/e/ |f e/d/c/B/ |A/^G/A/B/A/F/ |G3 | A/B/c/d/e/f/ |g/f/e/d/c/B/ |A/B/A/G/F/E/ |(F2 D) | A B/c/d/e/ |f e/d/c/B/ |A/^G/A/B/A/F/ |G3 | A/B/c/d/e/f/ |g/f/e/d/c/B/ |A/B/A/G/F/E/ |D3 :| X:2 T:Au point du jour C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:3/4=78 M:3/8 K:D D4 E2 |A4 G2 |A4 B2 |=c2 d4 | D4 E2 |A4 G2 |=c2 B2 G2 |E6 :| d3 =c B2 |A3 G F2 |E3 D E2 |A2 D4 | d2 =c2 B2 |=c2 B2 A2 |G2 A2 B2 |A6 :| X:3 T:La grand bete C:Trad Berry (F) I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=108 M:4/4 K:F D/E/F/G/ AA G/A/B/G/ A2 |F/A/G/F/ E/G/F/E/ D/E/F/G/ AA |D/E/F/G/ AA G/A/B/G/ A2 |c=B AG E/G/F/E/ D2 :| A2 d2 ^c/d/e/c/ d2 |A/B/c/A/ c/B/A/G/ F/E/F/G/ AF |A2 d2 ^c/d/e/c/ d2 |A/B/c/A/ c/B/A/G/ F/G/F/E/ D2:| X:4 T:Carree de Vouvray C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=128 M:2/4 K:D D3E F2G2 |A6 _BA |G3A _B2G2 |A3G F2E2 | D3E F2G2 |A6 _BA |G3A G2F2 |E8 :| d3F G2A2 |=c3B A2G2 |F3E F2G2 |A4 A4 | d3F G2A2 |=c3B A2G2 |F2d2 F2E2 |D8 :| X:5 T:Les beaux jours C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=96 M:4/4 K:F A/G/F/E/ FD de/d/ cA |c/=B/A/G/ AB/c/ d/c/B/A/ G2 |A/G/F/E/ FD ee/d/ cA |c/=B/A/G/ AB/c/ d/c/B/e/ A2 :| de fd ^c/d/e/=c/ A2 |d/A/d/e/ f/e/d/c/ cA/B/ G2 |de fd ^c/d/e/=c/ A2 |g/e/d/c/ =B/A/G/E/ G/A/_B/G/ A2 :| X:6 T:Les poules huppees C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=78 M:3/8 K:F D3FED |A4A=B |c=BAdcB |c=BABAG | D3FED |A4A=B |c=BAdcd |1A6 :|2 A4de |:f2AfAe |B4de |fdgfed | ^c2=d2e2 |f2AfAe |B4de |fdgfe^c |1 d4de :|2d6 |] X:7 T:Mazurka C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=144 M:3/4 K:F E3/2D/ A2 A3/2B/ |c3/2d/ A2 A2 |B3/2A/ G2 A3/2G/ |F3/2E/ F2 D3/2D/ | E3/2D/ A2 A3/2B/ |c3/2d/ A2 A2 |B3/2A/ G2 A3/2G/ |F3/2E/ D4 :| d3/2c/ B2 B3/2A/ |B3/2c/ d2 d2 |c3/2B/ A2 A3/2G/ |A3/2B/ A2 A3/2F/ | d3/2c/ B2 B3/2A/ |B3/2c/ d2 d2 |c3/2B/ A2 G3/2F/ |1E3/2F/ E2 E3/2D/ :|2 E3/2F/ D2 D3/2D/ |] X:8 T:Polka C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=95 M:4/8 K:D FA fe d2 A2 |Ge de EF GA |FA fe d2 A2 |d=c E2 ^cd f | M:2/8 EF GA :| M:4/8 d3 A df G2 |Gf ed cB AG | M:3/8 F2 EF GA | M:4/8 d3 A df G2 |Gf dA EF GA |1 M:3/8 D2 EF GA :|2 M:1/8 D2 |] X:9 T:Dessert C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=75 M:3/8 K:G d2 dA de |d2 G2 E2 |c4 B2 |A2 G4 | d2 dA de |d2 G2 E2 |c2 B2 c2 |A6 :| dc A=f eA |dc AB cA |d2 G2 c2 |A6 | dA c=f dg |=fe dc _ed |Bc dc AB |G6 :| X:10 T:Desert C:G. Chabenat I:Airs nouveaux pour danses anciennes Q:1/4=75 M:3/8 K:G BA GA BF |d6 |cB cd ec |B2 A4 | BA GA BF |d2 G2 _e2 |^c2 =F2 _E2 |D6 :| dB dB d^c |B^c de d=c |BA GF GA |BG D4 | dB dB d^c |B^c e=c =fd |e^c dB =cA |B6 :| X:11 T:Tarentaise C:Philippe Prieur I:Mazurka Centre France Q:1/4=120 M:3/4 %Meter K:G G3/2A/ |B7/2 d/ g3/2f/ |e7/2 d/ c3/2B/ |A3/2B/ c3/2d/ d3/2e/ | d4 G3/2A/ |B7/2 d/ g3/2f/ |e7/2 d/ c3/2B/ |A3/2B/ c3/2A/ F3/2A/ | G4 :|G3/2F/ |E3/2G/ B3/2d/ c3/2d/ |D3/2F/ A3/2c/ B3/2A/ | E3/2F/ G3/2A/ B3/2G/ |A3/2F/ D2 G3/2F/ |E3/2G/ B3/2d/ c3/2d/ |D3/2F/ B3/2c/ B3/2A/ | E3/2F/ G3/2A/ B3/2^c/ |d4 |] X:12 T:Morgane C:Maxou Heintzen I:Valse Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:3/4 K:D |:A2 B2 d2 |c2 B2 d2 |c2 B2 A2 |F6 | B2 A2 B2 |E2 F2 G2 |G2 F2 E2 |1F4 D2 :|2 D6 ||FA FE DE |FA FE DE |FA FE DE | G6 |GB GF EF |GB GF EF |GB GF EB | A6 |FA FE DE |FA FE DE |FA FE DF | E6 |EF GA B=c |B2 A2 G2 |F2 E2 F2 |D6 :| X:13 T:Les Joncheres C:Bernard Blanc I:Scottiche Centre France Q:1/4=120 M:4/4 P:AABB K:D P:A |:A2 F3/2A/ d3/2F/ A3/2d/ |c3/2B/ F3/2B/ A4 |G3/2F/ E3/2F/ G3/2E/ (3FG(A |1B3/2A/ B3/2c/ B2 A2 :|2B3/2A/ B3/2c/ d4 :| K:G P:B |:d2 d3/2c/ B2 A3/2B/ |c3/2B/ A3/2G/ F3/2A/ E3/2A/ | D3/2E/ F3/2G/ A3/2G/ (3FED |1c3/2B/ A3/2c/ B2 G2 :|2c3/2B/ A3/2B/ G4 :| X:14 T:Saint Jean C:Patrick Bouffard I:Valse Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:3/4 K:D A3 G F2 |A2 G2 F2 |GA B4 |B2 GA GF | G3 F E2 |G2 F2 E2 |FG A4 |A2 AB A^G | A3 G F2 |A2 G2 F2 |GA B4 |c2 d2 B2 | A3 G F2 |A2 G2 E2 |1D6 |D6 :|2 D6 |D2 AB A^G |:A2 AB A^G |A2 AB A^G | A^G AB AG |G2 GA GF |G2 GA GF |G2 GA GF | GF GA Bc |B2 AB A^G |A2 AB A^G |A2 AB A^G | A^G AB AG |G2 GA GF |G2 GA GF |G2 GA GF | GF GA Bc |1d2 AB A^G :|2d6 |] X:15 T:Valse a 15 sous C:Traditionnel Berry I:France Q:1/4=180 M:3/4 L:1/4 P:ABACA K:D P:A D F A |D F A |d c/d/c/B/ |A3 | B/A/G/F/E/D/ |C2 B |A ^G/A/B/A/ |(F2 D) | D F A |D F A |d c/d/c/B/ |A3 | B/A/G/F/E/D/ |c2 B |A ^G/A/B/A/ |d3 | K:G P:B |:D G3/2 B/ |d3 |e/d/c/B/A/G/ |F3 | D F3/2 A/ |c3 |f/e/d/c/B/A/ |B2 G | D G3/2 B/ |d3 |e/d/c/B/A/G/ |F3 | D F3/2 A/ |c3 |f/e/d/c/B/A/ |G3 :| K:G P:C |:B3 |G D3/2 G/ |(F3 |F) e e | e e e |e d ^c |d3 |d/ D/E/F/G/A/ | B3 |G D3/2 G/ |F3 |F A A | A A A |A G F |1G3 |G/D/E/F/G/A/ :|2 G3 |G3 ||] X:16 T:La Charge C:Manu Paris I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:F D4F2(E2| E2)G2A2G2|D3E F2(E2|E2)F2 E2C2|E3E F2(E2|E2)G2A2G2|D3EF2(G2 |G8):| |A6(B|B4)G2F2|E6F G2(F2|F8)|D6FE2G2|A4G2F2|E4D2(G2| G2)E2 F2G2|A6B c2(B2|B4)G2F2|E6F G2(F2|F8)|D6FE2G2|A4G2F2|E6(D|D8):| X:17 T:Le bout du banc C:Manu & Frederic Paris I:Bourree Q:1/4=150 M:3/8 K:D F2F2G2 |F3D FG |A2A2G2 |F4D2 | F2F2G2|F3D FG |A6:|D2A2F2 | B3A GF |E2F2G2 |A2 GA Bc |d2 A2 F2| B3A GF |E2 F2 G2 |A6:| X:18 T:Bourree a Durin C:Serge Durin I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:Bb d4^c2d2|B6A2|G3A B2G2|ABAG ^F2D2|d4^c2d2|B6 A2|G3A B2G2|A8:| D3=E ^F2D2|G^FGA B2AG|^F3G A2^F2|G^FGA G2^F2|D3=E ^F2D2| G^FGA B2AG|^F3G A2^F2|G8:| X:19 T:Le premier de juin C:Trad I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:G dc|B2G2 FGAB|c2A2 A2Bc|edcB dcBA|GABG D2dc|B2G2 FGAB|c2A2 A2Bc|d2e2 AGAB|A2G2 G2:| Bc|d2d2 e2e2|c2c2 d2d2|B2B2 c2c2|AGAB A2Bc| d2d2 e2e2|c2c2 d2d2|B2B2 c2c2|AGAB G2:| X:20 T:Mathilde C:Manu Paris I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:Bb G4 F2(G2|G2)G2 A2B2|F4 E2F2|F2F2 A2B2|G4 F2(G2|G2)G2 B2c2|d3c B2c2|c2B2 A2F2:| G2B2 B2A2|c2c2 d4|c2(e2 e2)d2|A2B2 c2dc|B2A2 G2B2| B2A2 c2c2|d4 c2(e2 |e2)d2 A2B2:|G8|| X:21 T:La gaillarde C:Trad I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:3/8 K:G D2 |G2 FG BG |B2 d^c dB|AB cA FA| B2 G2 D2|G2 FG BG|B2 d^c dB|AB cA FA | G4 :|d2 |ed cB cA |B2 BG Bd| c2 AF Ac|B2 G2 d2 |ed cB cA|B2 BG Bd|c2 af af|G4:| X:22 T:Le dromadaire C:Patrick Bouffard I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:Bb D4 C2(D2|D2)^F2 ^F2D2|G3^F GA(B2|B2)A2 GABc| d4^c2(A2|A2)c2 B2A2|1B3A G2^F|^F2G2 A2^F2:|2B3A ^F(G|G8)|| d4 ^c2(A2|A2)c2 B2A2|B3A G2(^F|^F)G A2^F2| D4 C2(D2|D2)^F2 ^F2D2|1G3^F GA(B2|B2)A2 GABc:|2G3A G^FG2|G8:| X:23 T:Le Lierre C:Maxou Heintzen I:Bourree Centre France Q:1/4=150 M:2/4 K:G B3A G2F2|G2A2 F2GA|B3A G2F2|GFGA B2d2| B3A G2F2|G2A2 F4|E3F GFE2|F8:|E3F G2E2|FEFG A2Bc| B3A G2F2|G2A2 F2D2|E3F G2E2| FEFG A2Bc|B3A G2F2|E8:| X:24 T:Bourrée d'Aurore Sand C:trad. M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:Dm A|:D>E FG|A3 A|Ad ^cd|A3 A|B>A GE|F>E DF|ED EF|1E3A:|2D4|| |:A>G FG|A>G FG|A>G AB|AG FG|A>G FG|A>G AB|AG FE|D4:| X:25 T:Bourrée à Bérot C:Dominique Forges M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:Gm B4|c4|A>d cB|AG/A/ BG|B4|c4|A>d cB|A4:| |:G>A BG|d>c BA|G>A BG|A2 D2|G>A BG|d>c BA|G>A B^F|G4:| X:26 T:Chavouisses C:Phillipe Prieur I:Les "Chavouisses" sont les femmes des "Chavans" I:ou "Chat-Huants", soit les gars de La Chavannée de Montbel M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:GMix BB2A|G>A Bc|1AA2G|=F>G AF:|2A>G =FA|G4:| |:d>c BG|=F>G AB|1c>B Ac|B/c/B/A/ GA:|2cB A=F|G4:| X:27 T:Chassepain C:Gilles Chabenat M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:G "G"g>d dg|"F"=fe de|1"Am"A>B ce|"G"dA BG:|2"Am"A>B cd|"D"ef ga:| |:"Am"ec A"G"g-|gc A"Am"a-|1af "G"de|fg fd:|2af "G"dB|cd BG:| X:28 T:Chypre O:Classe de vielle de Dominique Forges O:ENM Nevers M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:Gm ^f/g/|:"D"a2b2|a>g ^fg|1a2b2|a3^f/g/:|2"Cm"ag "D"^fe|d4:| |:"Cm"gg2^f|ag2^f|a>g ^fe|"D"d4|"Eb"bb2a|c'b2a|c'>b ag|"D"^f4:| X:29 T:Bourrée de Concours C:Serge Durin M:2/4 R:bourrée 2 temps Q:250 L:1/8 K:Gm d2^cd|B3A|G>A BG|1AD ED:|2A4:| D>=E ^FD|G>A BG|1^F>G AG|^F2 D2:|2^F>G AF|G4:|
Des références de recueils sur papier :
LES NOTES DU TRIMESTRE Le CDMDT03 continue la publication des "Notes du trimestre" : quatre livraisons trimestrielles de mélodies du Centre-France en partitions, permettant à tous de se constituer un répertoire. Notées en Sol/do et en Ré/sol, sur un format A5 recto-verso, elles peuvent être rassemblées en un classeur au gré de chacun. Chaque livraison est coordonnée par un "noteur" différent, ce qui confère une unité aux airs proposés. Le tarif d'abonnement reste fixé à 100F l'an pour la France métropolitaine. Pour l'édition 2000, nous retrouverons La Jimbr'tée, La compagnie Besson, et Willy Soulette parmi les pourvoyeurs de répertoire. L'édition 1999 est toujours disponible (contributions de F. Paris, Maxou, J. Lavergne et D.Forges). Renseignements : AMTA (catalogue) : CDMDT 03 :
Le CDMDT03 continue la publication des "Notes du trimestre" : quatre livraisons trimestrielles de mélodies du Centre-France en partitions, permettant à tous de se constituer un répertoire. Notées en Sol/do et en Ré/sol, sur un format A5 recto-verso, elles peuvent être rassemblées en un classeur au gré de chacun. Chaque livraison est coordonnée par un "noteur" différent, ce qui confère une unité aux airs proposés. Le tarif d'abonnement reste fixé à 100F l'an pour la France métropolitaine. Pour l'édition 2000, nous retrouverons La Jimbr'tée, La compagnie Besson, et Willy Soulette parmi les pourvoyeurs de répertoire. L'édition 1999 est toujours disponible (contributions de F. Paris, Maxou, J. Lavergne et D.Forges).
Renseignements :
AMTA (catalogue) :
CDMDT 03 :
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Une session? Qu'est ce que c'est?
Pas un concert! Mais un rendez vous régulier, en public, souvent dans un bar, où les musiciens (amateurs le plus souvent) pratiquant la musique traditionnelle de danse irlandaise et apparentée se retrouvent pour jouer ensemble un répertoire commun. Cette forme de pratique permet aux musiciens de jouer "en situation" ( en public, une mélodie commune ou un accompagnement constructif, à une vitesse adaptée ) tout en ayant la possibilité de se "planter" le plus discrètement possible, et aux amateurs de profiter de 3 ou 4h de musique vivante et gratuite. Il existe bien sur des règles de base, ayant fait couler beaucoup d'encre, réelle ou virtuelle. Pour les résumer : ne pas s'imposer, et travailler entre deux sessions! Voir : Zeu Guide of Zeu Sessioneux par Groink Le répertoire de base est souvent irlandais, avec des "incursions" dans les musiques apparentées. Les airs joués sont différents d'une session à l'autre, d'un pays à l'autre. Une session en Ecosse ou au Canada sera bien sûr axée sur les airs locaux, avec des incursions irlandaises, de plus beaucoup de répertoire est commun ou voisin, avec un peu de pratique on peut reconnaître un reel irlandais dans son cousin québecois, une marche militaire écossaise jouée comme jig, etc... Des valses musettes peuvent même être jouées par les accordéonnistes suivant l'exemple de Martin O'Connor! La pratique des sessions dans la musique Centre France (indissociable des groupes folkloriques où elle est née en 75) est inconnue dans sa région d'origine. De belles mélodies le justifieraient pourtant...
Pas un concert! Mais un rendez vous régulier, en public, souvent dans un bar, où les musiciens (amateurs le plus souvent) pratiquant la musique traditionnelle de danse irlandaise et apparentée se retrouvent pour jouer ensemble un répertoire commun.
Cette forme de pratique permet aux musiciens de jouer "en situation" ( en public, une mélodie commune ou un accompagnement constructif, à une vitesse adaptée ) tout en ayant la possibilité de se "planter" le plus discrètement possible, et aux amateurs de profiter de 3 ou 4h de musique vivante et gratuite.
Il existe bien sur des règles de base, ayant fait couler beaucoup d'encre, réelle ou virtuelle. Pour les résumer : ne pas s'imposer, et travailler entre deux sessions!
Voir : Zeu Guide of Zeu Sessioneux par Groink
Le répertoire de base est souvent irlandais, avec des "incursions" dans les musiques apparentées. Les airs joués sont différents d'une session à l'autre, d'un pays à l'autre. Une session en Ecosse ou au Canada sera bien sûr axée sur les airs locaux, avec des incursions irlandaises, de plus beaucoup de répertoire est commun ou voisin, avec un peu de pratique on peut reconnaître un reel irlandais dans son cousin québecois, une marche militaire écossaise jouée comme jig, etc... Des valses musettes peuvent même être jouées par les accordéonnistes suivant l'exemple de Martin O'Connor!
La pratique des sessions dans la musique Centre France (indissociable des groupes folkloriques où elle est née en 75) est inconnue dans sa région d'origine. De belles mélodies le justifieraient pourtant...
Listes de discussion Répertoires musicaux en ABC